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#122 : Réunion de famille, deuxième partie


Un dangereux détenu s’évade d’une prison de New York. Jarod pense qu’il s’agit de Kyle, le jeune caméléon qui lui avait été présenté en 1968.
Mlle Parker utilise à nouveau les dons d'Angelo pour retrouver la trace de Jarod.


4.75 - 4 votes

Titre VO
The Dragon House: Part Two

Titre VF
Réunion de famille, deuxième partie

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Première diffusion en France


Miss Parker rend visite à Kyle pour savoir qui a tué sa mère (VO)

Miss Parker rend visite à Kyle pour savoir qui a tué sa mère (VO)


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Réunion secrète du trio

Réunion secrète du trio

Harriet Tashman et Jarod

Harriet Tashman et Jarod

Margaret, la mère de Jarod

Margaret, la mère de Jarod

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Fred K. Keller

Scénarisation : Steven Long Mitchell et Craig W. Van Sickle

Guests stars :

Ajgie Kirkland (le guardien de prison)
Bernard Hocke (Dad)
Cody Mcmains (Ike)
David Doty (Jenkins)
Doug Spinuzza (Joe Bill)
Kelli Maroney (la journaliste)
Linda Carlson (Harriet Tashman)
Jeffrey Donovan (Kyle)
James Tolkan (Agent Spécial du FBI Korkos)
James Wellington (Guarde)
Jason Ronard (le chauffeur de taxi)
Michael Macleod (Peter)
Nik Duphiney (Angelo enfant)
Kim Myers (Margaret)
Sam Ayers (Sam)
Thomas Tofel (le chirurgien)
Zachary Browne (Kyle enfant)

Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Il est à noter que lors de sa diffusion originelle aux USA, cet épisode a été diffusé en intégralité et n'était pas divisé en 2 parties. C'est la diffusion française qui a décidé de le scinder pour en en faire un double épisode.

- La saison se termine sur une réunion de famille manquée : Jarod devait retrouver les siens mais la rencontre est abrégée par l'arrivée de Raines et de ses Nettoyeurs. Forcé de renoncer aux siens et de s'enfuir, le caméléon est acculé par l'homme à la bonbonne d'oxygène dans une ruelle. Alors que celui-ci s'apprête à le tuer, il part en fumée après qu'une balle tirée par une mystérieuse personne ait atteint sa boutelle d'oxygène et y ait mis le feu. Le vieil homme n'en meurt cependant pas mais il est gravement brûlé.


Harriet Tashman’s Farm

Jarod I don’t remember my parents or anything about having a brother.
Harriet Well, you were very young when you were taken. We often repress, forget.
Jarod How did they come to be with you?
Harriet Well, my own parents were killed three weeks before my 11th birthday. I grew up in a convent, content to give my life serving the church as a nun. I had said my vows and was cloistered for years. But it didn’t take.
Jarod Was my family tied to the convent?
Harriet No, no. There was another girl. Catherine Jamison. We were real rabble-rousers. Gave the Mother Superior hell. One night we snuck out and were crossing this frozen pond. I slipped in. I was drowning. Catherine dove in, dragged me out and then breathed life back into me. She never became a nun, but the spirit that glowed in her was something I’ve been unable to achieve despite years of prayer. Then after she left the convent, she married a man by the name of…
Jarod Parker.
Harriet Yes.
Jarod Catherine Parker.
Harriet Did you know her?
Jarod Her daughter. What did she have to do with my parents?
Harriet Well, in 1969, the year I inherited this farm, Mother Superior called and said Catherine needed help. Catherine showed up and asked me to shelter a man and a woman who had had their two young sons abducted.
Jarod Is that when my parents came here?
Harriet I knew them as Charles and Margaret. They were afraid. They’d been searching for years and they were on the run. It was safe here. They were wonderful people Jarod, you’d be very proud of them.
Jarod Did they ever talk or or ask about me or my brother?
Harriet They never talked. I never asked. It was too painful. Especially for your father. It was clear how deeply he missed his sons.
Jarod Did they ever say who they thought might’ve taken us?
Harriet I think your father was afraid it would affect your mother’s health.
Jarod The baby.
Harriet She gave birth to a little girl a month later.
Jarod I have a sister.
Harriet Her name is Emily.
Jarod Emily.
Harriet There are no pictures. I’m sorry. Years later, I started getting threatening phone calls and letters from Kyle. He must’ve figured out I had some tie to your parents. Of course, I had no idea at the time who he really was. He was desperate. He thought I could help him. It was after the kidnapping that your family vanished.
Jarod You’ve been hiding here ever since.
Harriet I knew Kyle was in prison, but I aslo knew the depth of his anger, well, his pain. I’d lost contact with Catherine Parker years earlier. I felt alone, and I was afraid. So I went underground. Your parents loved you, Jarod. They loved and they missed you and your brother.

The Centre

Raines Do you remember where you first lived when you came to the Centre?
Kyle At first, three doors down from the corridor entrance. Later, sublevel
Raines What was the Manchester Solution?
Kyle The Manchester Solution.
I-I don’t remember any solution because the job was blown. I could’ve done it alone. I SIM’ed it correct. The others lost the will, but I didn’t.
I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies.
Mr Parker You said after all those years in prison, he’d remember nothing.
Raines He can’t remember everything.
Mr Parker He remembers too much. Jarod alone is bad enough.
Miss Parker I brought him in. Why is he here?
Mr Parker I asked him to be.
Miss Parker Who in the hell is Kyle anyway? Or should I say what?
Mr Parker Kyle is someone of concern to me. You missed Jarod. It was your best chance ,and he’s still out there. I know you’re upset. I should’ve told you that I had brought Mr. Raines in on this. I apologise. But things were moving quickly. Now Mr. Raines and I will handle Kyle.
Miss Parker But, Daddy…
Mr Parker No, no, no. Trust me. Sydney, do you think Jarod might return to the Centre?
Sydney There’s nothing here that Jarod wants. And Jarod always has an objective. Besides, even though we never figured out how he got out our latest security improvements are quite beyond anyone’s capabilities. Even Jarod’s.
Miss Parker That’s the first time I have ever heard you doubt Jarod’s abilities.
Sydney Let’s just hope they believed it as much as you did.

Jarod’s Flashback

Young Jarod Kyle! They’re coming! Kyle!
Raines Get him out of here.
Young Kyle No! Jarod, help! No, leave me alone. Jarod! Jarod! Jarod, help me!

The Centre, Biotract 42

Sydney You said it was a matter of great importance.
Miss Parker I want you to help me get to Kyle.
Broots Why?
Miss Parker Because he knows something about my mother’s death. What do you want me to do? Beg?
Sydney What makes you so certain that Kyle can help you?
Miss Parker Because he was Mr. Raines’s pet project. I feel it. Sydney, I feel it. Kyle knows who killed my mother.
Sydney Hmm. Look, they’re keeping him in a section I don’t have access to. Also, they’re monitoring him round the clock from the tech room. There’s just no way for anyone to get there undetected. Right?
Broots Mmm, well, that’s not entirely true.
Miss Parker What do you mean?
Broots I mean, I got us into SL 27, didn’t I? I could probably bypass the sensors and at a designated time, loop the camera feed into the monitor system.
Miss Parker Well, for how long?
Broots Mmm, long enough.

The Centre- Kyle’s Cell & Tech Room

Sydney I was looking for… here.
Broots Oh… oh that’s hot! That… ohh… I’m sorry. It’s okay. Got it.
Kyle You look just like her.
Miss Parker That’s what they tell me. You’re the one who decides who lives or dies, right?
Kyle You know my work.
Miss Parker Did you kill my mother? Did you… kill my mother?
Kyle No.
Miss Parker Then who? Was it Mr. Raines?
Raines What are you doing here?
Sydney I was trying to find my way to the, uh, new accounting offices.
Raines Why do I think you’re lying? Open the door. Get him out of here.

Harriet Tashman’s Far,

Jarod My parents must have loved this place.
Harriet I may know someone who can help you find what you’re looking for.
Jarod Who?
Harriet Solemn vows die hard. I’ll have to go and see them. Alone.
Jarod It’s too dangerous.
Harriet Catherine didn’t think of herself when she pulled me out of that icy pond. I’ll be… I’ll be gone a few days.
Jarod I won’t be here. I’ve spent every moment since I broke out searching, hunting for some clue that might lead me to my past. And right now, the biggest clue to it is back where I started.
Harriet I don’t understand.
Jarod I’m going to get my brother. I’m going back to the Centre.

The Centre - Corridors and Ventilation shaft

Jarod Hello, Sydney.
Sydney My God. How’d you get in?
Jarod The same way I got out. Why didn’t you tell me about my family? About my brother?
Sydney Your brother?
Jarod Kyle. At least that’s what I think his name is. Why didn’t you tell me?
Sydney I didn’t know.
Jarod It’s interesting, that’s what you always say.
Sydney I swear it to you Jarod. I did not know. All I know about Kyle is … actually… what Jacob told me.
Raines Am I interrupting something?
Sydney Oh. Just going over some notes.
Raines Of course. Always the conscientious one. You will notify me if Jarod attempts to make contact with you.
Sydney What if he contacts you first? Jarod. Jarod.
  Jarod’s Flashback
Young Kyle Jarod. Jarod, help me!
  End of flashback
Jarod Angelo. Angelo. Look at your hair. Cracker Jack. C.J. You’re C.J. You wrote those letters to Kyle in prison. You’ve been in contact with him just like you’ve been in contact with me.
Doctor It’s been a long time since we’ve had to perform this kind of a radical procedure, Dr. Raines. And the Tower hasn’t made their approval clear yet.
Raines I’ve made the diagnosis. A frontal lobe separation is the only way to bring him peace. Unless you’d like to offer a differing opinion.
Doctor I’ll call for anesthesia. He’ll be ready in 10 minutes.
Kyle Raines. Raines! Who the hell are you?
Jarod I’m Jarod.
Kyle Raines said you were dead.
Jarod Not hardly.
Kyle Why are you helping me?
Jarod Because… I’m your brother.
Kyle I don’t have any family.
Jarod Yes. You do. I’m guessing… our father gave you this.
Kyle My God. You kept it.
Jarod Not me. He did. Come on. It’s time we all were free. No! No! No! Nobody gets hurt.
Kyle Where are we going?
Jarod Home. Angelo, come on. Get in.
Angelo No. I decide who lives or dies.
Jarod Angelo. Angelo, no!
Raines How did this happen?
Broots Alarm sensors indicate they’re in SL 19.
Miss Parker I’m on it!
Raines I need to speak to Mr. Parker.
Jarod This way.
Kyle Where does it lead?
Jarod Out. Come on.
Miss Parker We’re on 19. Broots, where are they?
Broots I’m working on it. I’m working on it. Go down to 20. Miss Parker, I’m getting a signal in the motion detectors. They’re in the ventilation system. Right where you are.
Miss Parker Rip that down. Damn it. It’s Cousin Itt.
Broots It’s Angelo.
Jarod Come on. Trust me.

The Centre - Kyle's detention cell

Miss Parker Tell me this wasn’t you, Daddy. I know better.
Mr Parker I did not authorise this procedure. I would never do that.
Miss Parker Raines was prepared to destroy a Centre investment with no directive from the Tower, to protect himself from what Kyle knows. We’ve both been feeling it for a long time. Raines has had his own agenda long enough.
Mr Parker He’ll be dealt with. Just bring me back what belongs to the Centre.

En Route to the Tashman Farm

Jarod It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. Here. It’s one of the small joys of freedom. There’s candy underneath the head. Uh… That’s okay. I have plenty more.
Kyle We just gonna drive?
Jarod I know a place where we can rest. Truth is, the running never stops.
Kyle How long you been out?
Jarod Almost a year now. There’s so much out here. You have so much catching up to do. You do remember.
Kyle That Kyle was a million years ago, Jarod. By the time I broke from the Centre, my head was mush. All I thought about was finding my… finding our parents. And anybody got in my way, I just ran over ’em. Before long, I was running from the law. By the time I figured things out and got to Harriet… I just… I never wanted to hurt her. I just thought she knew where they were.
Jarod Something good came out of it. At least we have a place to start.

The Centre

Broots Well, that’s the rest of it. He’s gone through everything we have. Jarod’s notebooks, F.B.I. files, everything we’ve got on Kyle. He’s almost done.
Sydney Real glutton for punishment, hmm?
Miss Parker Desperate times, desperate measures, Sydney. If Sponge Boy here really can become anyone, like all the quacks around here claim then I’m letting him become Kyle and Jarod at the same time. Maybe he’ll tell me where they went.
Broots Maybe we should have tethered him.
Sydney Aren’t we making one erroneous assumption, Dr. Parker?
Miss Parker What’s he gonna blow? A transistor?
Sydney You assume that he wants to help you.
Miss Parker Why wouldn’t he?
Sydney Just let this quack handle it, hmm? Jarod. Jarod. If you’re really in there, Jarod then you’ll know who I am and that I can help you. Also, that I am the only one who can protect you from Mr. Raines. Easy. Easy.
Angelo I’m going home. I’m safe here.
Miss Parker Kyle kidnapped a woman named Harriet Tashman. He was trying to get her to this place.

Harriet Tashman’s Farm

Kyle I can feel them here.
Jarod I know.
Kyle But they don’t have faces.
Jarod ‘Cause we don’t remember. Or the Centre didn’t let us remember. Maybe this will help.
Kyle She’s beautiful. They’re still out there, aren’t they?
Jarod Yes. Them… and our sister. She was born after we were gone. Dad taught me. We’re going to find them. We wouldn’t have gotten this far unless we were meant to.

The Centre

Korkos (phone) Korkos.
Raines (phone) Do you want to know where John Doe is?

Harriet Tashman’s Farm

Jarod Harriet. We didn’t know it was you. It’s all right. We all want the same thing.
Harriet I have some good news.
Kyle Somebody’s coming up the road.
Jarod Let’s get out of here.
Korkos Get ’em.
Jarod Hold on!
Harriet Kyle.
Jarod Kyle! Hold still. Let me look.
Kyle No. Go. My leg is broken.
Jarod No. I’m not going to leave you here.
Kyle Jarod, go! Find our parents. Don’t tell them what I became.
Harriet Come on, Jarod. Come on, Jarod. Come on.
Korkos Freeze. FBI.
Jarod No!
Harriet Come on, Jarod. Jarod. Jarod. Jarod. Jarod, we have to split up.
Jarod No. Come on. I can protect you.
Harriet No. This is not about me now. Your parents. They’re in Boston. They’ll arrive by taxi at this coffee shop. Here’s the address and meet time.
Jarod My parents, have you seen them, are… are they okay?
Harriet You’ll be able to find out for yourself. Tomorrow at 3:00.
Jarod Harriet, thank you.

The Centre - Mr Parker's Office

Raines It was a prudent move with Kyle. Keeps our hands clean.
Mr Parker I think we should focus on bringing Jarod in. We have a possible location.
Raines Where? When?
Mr Parker Three o’clock, today. Take a Sweeper team with you. Bring him back.

Boston, Massachusetts

Miss Parker We’re flying blind.
Sydney No need, Miss Parker.
Miss Parker Well, don’t count on Mr. Raines feeling the same way.
Sydney I don’t. Well, let me show you how to take offthe safety, huh?
Broots Damn.
Sydney I don’t want Jarod hurt.
Miss Parker Do my best, Syd. It’s hot and good to go.
Broots Damn.
Miss Parker You take the east. Got that? You take the west. I’ll float.
Raines Hello, Jarod.
Jarod You stole me from my parents. You had the FBI kill my brother. And now you’re trying to kill my family. What have I ever done to you?
Raines You exist.
Jarod No. I’m not gonna let you do to me what you did to my brother. You leave me alone.
Miss Parker I thought he gave up smoking.

The Centre - Mr Parker's Office

Mr Parker (phone) No. No, no, no. There was no plant. The information on Jarod’s rendezvous with his parents came from a phone tap we’ve had on St. Catherine’s for over 30 years. Yes, Mr. Lyle. Uh, Jarod got away, but… You want me to come in? What for? Let’s talk now. Whatever you say. I’ll be with you shortly. We will. You have my word. Thank… (to his daughter) Ah. Glad you’re here.
Miss Parker Really?
Mr Parker Of course. We have work to do.
Miss Parker We?
Mr Parker Now that Raines is in doctors’ hands… or God’s.
Miss Parker Skin grafts can be so demanding.
Mr Parker Well, at least he’ll be out of your hair. Isn’t that what you wanted?
Miss Parker Is that what you wanted?
Mr Parker He overstepped. I dealt with him as promised.
Miss Parker Then why was he out on that street yesterday? Why did he know right where Jarod would be?
Mr Parker Difficult for a man like Raines to end up in hospital while sitting behind his desk, don’t you think?
Miss Parker You promised me that we would talk. Did Raines kill Mother?
Mr Parker Honey. There are no easy answers.
Miss Parker Yes or no.
Mr Parker One day you’ll understand why I…
Miss Parker Did he kill her?
Mr Parker There are still great repercussions from your mother’s death. When I can tell you more, I will. Trust me. Ah, you’re here to escort me? Of course you are.

The Centre - Sydney's Office

Broots A friend of mine in cleanup sent me this.
Miss Parker Ballistics report?
Broots Uh-huh. What the hell’s going on here?
Sydney I don’t follow.
Broots Well, the bullet that struck the oxygen tank… They can’t tell which gun it was fired from.
Sydney (phone) Hello. This is Sydney. Hello. Hello. Who’s there?
Jarod (phone) I may be tired, Sydney… but I’ll never give up.
Sydney I don’t expect you to.
Jarod I’ll find them again. No one is going to keep me from my family.
Sydney I understand. Jarod, you were closer to your family than I ever was. I want you to believe that.
Jarod If it’s my faith you want, tell me where they buried my brother.
Sydney Buried him?
Jarod Kyle. Yes.
Sydney Jarod.
Jarod Tell me, Sydney.
Sydney The van’s gas tank was full. It burned for a very long time. No remains were found. Nothing. Nada.
Jarod Hmmh. Which is, yet again,what you leave me with.
Sydney Jarod. Hello. Are you still there?
Jarod I’m here.
Sydney With everything that’s happened they’re more determined than ever to find you. Do you know where you’ll go?
Jarod I have a good idea. Catch me if you can.

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