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#203 : Sur la corde raide

Jarod devient secouriste afin de percer le mystère entourant un suicide.
Mlle Parker, Sydney et Broots sont tous les trois interrogés par un comportementaliste, le Dr Curtis, qui tente de découvrir qui a tiré sur Mr Raines. 


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Sur la corde raide

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Brigitte et le Dr Curtis

Brigitte et le Dr Curtis

Qui épie l'équipe chargée de traquer Jarod?

Qui épie l'équipe chargée de traquer Jarod?

Broots, Sydney et Miss Parker

Broots, Sydney et Miss Parker

Jarod secouriste

Jarod secouriste

Plus de détails

Réalisation : James Whitmore JR

Scénaristion : Tony Blake et Paul Jackson

Guests stars :

Art Whuabala (Roger Miyakawa) 
Gail Strickland (Grace Carter Welman) 
Joseph D. Reitman (Spencer)
Kim Meyers (la mère de Jarod)
Larissa Laskin (Jo Ellen Gillespie) 
Matt Corboy (Chris Welman)
Sam Anderson (Dr. Curtis)
Peter Murnik (Bobby Cain)
Rick Fitts (Capitaine Wright)

Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Jarod se fait appeler Jarod Shatner et devient secouriste

- Jarod enquête sur " l'affaire Chris Welman"

- Jarod découvre les pastèques et le personnage de comics Spider-man



Margaret It’s time to come home Jarod. Take my hand.
Young Jarod I can’t reach you Mom.
Margaret Try. You can do it.
Young Jarod Mom. Mom, don’t go. Mom. Mom.
Jarod Don’t go.

Serenity Beach - Oregon

Hippie This is where Jarod spent most of his time while he stayed with us.
Miss Parker In a tepee?
Hippie Yeah. But no, this is a sensory deprivation tank.
Miss Parker I’m surprised he’d even get near one of these things again.
Sydney Ah, but Jarod enjoyed floating in the tank. It gave him a taste of the freedom he so desperately craved.
Hippie Most people go in the tank for an hour tops. Jarod, Jarod would stay in for, like, days at a time. And then he’d come out and go around hugging everyone he saw. I never experienced such a connection to another human being in my entire life.
Miss Parker Maybe if you showered once in a while the experience wouldn’t be quite so unique.
Sydney Did Jarod leave anything behind?
Hippie He said to give you this.
Sydney Thank you.
Miss Parker I have a gun and I’ll use it.
Hippie Cool.
Miss Parker Let’s go find Wonder Boy. Living in a tepee, somebody help me.

Spokane - Washington

Man Help! Someone please help me. Help me! Please. Ohhh! Ahhhh!
Jarod I’m coming. Just hang on.
Bobby Jarod. Wait for the basket.
Jarod There’s no time. This rope’s not going to hold.
Bobby Roger, call the chopper now.
Man Ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhh!
Jarod Just hang on. More line.
Bobby Jarod what the hell are you doing? I said wait for the basket.
Jarod Sit tight. I got you.
Man Ohhh! Ohhhhh. Oh!
Jarod It’s a great day to be alive.
Captain The word from the hospital is your victim is gonna be fine.
Jarod Oh, that’s great news.
Captain And the word around here is that you’re a player.
Roger You should have seen him. Instant legend, man.
Captain You’d better watch out Bobby. Looks like there’s a new Spiderman in town.
Bobby Yeah well we’ll see who has the web.
Jarod Spider… man?
Roger Yeah! Like in the comics.
Joellen Hey guys look. Interstate brochures from Denver. Looks like you’re serious.
Jarod Are you thinking of transferring out?
Captain Retiring. Denver is where my grandson is.
Bobby Come on you guys. This is a good thing. Makes room for the young guys moving up.
Captain Okay. Pack and sack. We’re due at the tower in thirty.
Roger Oh man. It’s gonna be the third drill this week.
Joellen Well, get used to it. If Bobby makes captain he’ll drill us 24/7.
Roger You got that right.
Joellen Jarod. Everyone kicks in. SOP.
Roger It’s sort of a ritual. Every time we come back safe from a run we drop in a fiver for Chris.
Jarod He’s the guy who fell from the drill tower.
Joellen Just came out of a coma.
Jarod I thought the department insurance plan covered accidents.
Roger It does cover accidents but, um, Chris tried to kill himself.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Broots Where have you guys been?
Miss Parker Mnnn, to our own little corner of heaven. Got you somethin’.
Broots Oh, thanks. You wouldn’t believe what’s going on around here.
Miss Parker I rarely do. Any word on my father?
Broots No. No one knows where he is.
Miss Parker Princess Try Hard knows.
Sydney You don’t want to make accusations you can’t prove.
Miss Parker Oh please. Sydney you know what? Do yourself a favour. Take some steroids. Ever since she and Mr Lyle showed up this whole place has gotten strange.
Broots Yeah, well it’s just about to get stranger. There he is? That’s the guy.
Sydney What guy?
Broots Oh God! They’re coming this way.
Brigitte Ah Miss Parker. Sydney. Mr Broots. Dr Curtis. He’s… consulting for Mr Lyle and me.
Dr Curtis Nice to meet you.
Miss Parker I’m sure.
Brigitte If he needs to speak with you we’d appreciate it if you’d make yourselves available.
Miss Parker Certainly.
Brigitte Cheers. Shall we?
Sydney Doctor.
Miss Parker Who is he?
Broots That’s what I’ve been trying tell you. He’s… he’s some kind of criminal behaviourist. They brought him here to find who shot Mr Raines. Oh God this is bad, this is really, really bad.
Miss Parker Relax Broots. They are looking for a shooter not a whiner.
Broots Yeah well they’re going to pin the shooting on someone, and the way I see it we’re the ones walking around with the biggest targets on our backs.
Sydney If you’re innocent you have nothing to worry about.
Broots Sydney this is the Centre. Maybe no one will miss you but I have a little daughter who loves her daddy.
Sydney We don’t even know if he’ll want to talk to us.
Broots Oh, fat chance. I hear Mr Raines is going to force everyone who was at the shooting to interview with this guy. And I mean everyone.
Sydney Hm.
Miss Parker Peachy.

Spokane - Washington

Captain Move it! Come on Jarod! Your victim’s had time to take in a double feature.
Joellen Go Go Go.
Bobby Go go! Move it! 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, not bad.
Captain Not good either not for a simple up and over.
Spencer Hey! Keep it down over there. Tryin’ to think over here.
Captain Oh God we woke up the monster.
Jarod Who’s that?
Roger Ah! He likes to be called Spencer. All he does is complain about the noise and write poetry. Don’t get him going. You’re gonna have to buy him somethin’.
Jarod Is this where Chris tried to kill himself?
Joellen Roger found him right here. You know I thought Chris and I could tell each other everything. I knew he was depressed but he never said anything about suicide.
Jarod Maybe it wasn’t?
Joellen He left a note on his computer.
Jarod You know I saw this happen in Chicago. This guy, he got really depressed about the job, all the pressure.
Joellen No, it wasn’t the job. Chris loved Rescue.
Jarod Well if it wasn’t the job maybe it was his family.
Joellen His mother left when he was really little. She just walked out. After his dad died a couple of years ago Chris started looking for her.
Jarod He didn’t find her?
Joellen No, but he felt she was close by. He ran personal ads in the paper, searched the net, did everything he could think of.
Jarod He probably thought he would never find her, that he would always have that feeling of emptiness.
Joellen I can’t imagine what it would be like never knowing your mother.

Spokane's Hospital - Washington

Nurse Chris. Chris. Chris. You need to be to be calm. Chris Chris. You need to calm down. Chris. Calm now. Please. Chris. I’m sorry this is a really bad time for visitors. Chris. No. Chris.
Jarod Chris. Chris. Calm down.
Nurse Please could you come back later?
Jarod It’s not unusual for a post coma victim to lose sense of time and location. He’s afraid. He needs human contact. He needs to know that he’s loved.
Nurse Are you a therapist?
Jarod I know what it’s like to be isolated from people. Joellen, come here. Hold him. Go ahead. He’s still your friend. Hold him.
Joellen Chris, it’s Joellen. It’s Joellen, shhh, it’s Joellen. It’s all right. It’s all right. It’s all right. It’s all right. Shhh shh.
Jarod Let’s go over this again because I want to get it straight. He was a spider and a man.
Man No, he was a high school student bitten by a radioactive spider.
Jarod Hmmmm. That must have hurt.
Man Then he developed spider powers. He could climb up walls, he could shoot webs and he had spider sense.
Jarod Which is?
Man I don’t know. He uh, he…. His head would tingle and stuff.
Jarod Well I wasn’t aware that arachnids had heads that tingled.
Kid I don’t know from arachnids but Spiderman’s did.
Jarod This is fascinating. I’ll read them all.
Jarod Mrs Welman. My name is Jarod. I’m a friend of Chris.
Grace I, you… You have the wrong person. My name’s Carter.
Jarod I know it was before you were married.
Grace What do you want?
Jarod It’s not what I want. It’s what Chris wants. He’s been trying to find you. Mrs Welman your son needs you.
Grace I didn’t ask to be needed and I sure as hell didn’t ask to be found.

Jarod's dream - In his lair

Young Jarod Mom. I love you. I love you Mom. Mom, I love you. Don’t leave me Mom. Mom, Mom don’t go! Mom. Mom don’t go.
Young Jarod Sydney, did your mother ever hug you?
Sydney Jarod it’s important that you get in the tank.
Young Jarod What was it like to be hugged by your mother? How did it feel?
Sydney That’s not relevant. Jarod the tank relaxes you. You can focus on the simulation.
Young Jarod I want to know what it’s like to be hugged. I’ve forgotten what it feels like.
Sydney Jarod, listen to me. You will never have that experience. Your mother is . . . It would be best if you just forgot about her.
Young Jarod No. I’ll never forget her. Never.
Sydney Jarod. Dwelling on your family will only get in the way of your work.
  End of DSA
Jarod Finding my family is my work, Sydney.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Dr Curtis We’re only trying to find out who had the capacity to shoot Mr Raines.
Sydney And I’m only here to help.
Dr Curtis Look I realise this is a difficult position for you to be in.
Sydney Mn-mmmm. Perhaps just a waste of both of our times.
Dr Curtis You never married did you?
Sydney You don’t expect me to answer rhetorical questions?
Dr Curtis No. Tell me about your relationship with Jarod.
Sydney Why don’t you tell me.
Dr Curtis All right. I think he’s taken the role of a son you never had. What are your feelings for him?
Sydney You’re doing so well. Don’t stop now.
Dr Curtis I think you love Jarod very much and I think you’d do almost do anything to protect him. But I’m curious, off the record. How do you live with yourself knowing that you abducted a child from his family?
Sydney I was not involved in Jarod’s abduction.
Dr Curtis Oh yes, but once it happened you did nothing about it. You had no problem, no twinge of conscience, uh, about robbing him of his chance to live a normal life?
Sydney I didn’t have a choice.
Dr Curtis Didn’t you?
Sydney I had to do what I was told.
Dr Curtis By whom?
Sydney The same person who tells you what to do.
Dr Curtis Exactly. So we both know that you hold Mr Raines personally responsible for the destruction of Jarod’s life and we also know that killing Raines would give you a deep sense of satisfaction. It’s only human nature.
Sydney I abhor violence.
Dr Curtis Well, but that doesn’t mean, given a strong enough motivation, that you wouldn’t stoop to it. I think we’re done, Doctor.
Sydney Doctor.

Spokane's Center - Washington

Roger Don’t look so sad. It’s a comic book, man. You know, comic, fun?
Jarod This Spider man, he’s a fascinating superhero. Yet beneath all his heroics he’s lead a very sad life. He never knew his parents, he feels responsible for his uncle’s death and people are always trying to kill him.
Roger Curse of the superhero. It’s tragic really.
Joellen Peter Parker didn’t have a real problem. Now She-Hulk her life was tragic.
Captain I’m glad you guys are here. Check your speed scores. The condemned move faster to the gallows.
Jarod Looks like we’re gonna be in for more drilling.
Captain You got that right. Jarod you work with Roger Saturday morning Joellen you and Bobby hit the tower in the afternoon.
Joellen Let me switch with Jarod. I have plans for Saturday.
Captain Change ’em. There’s no one faster with the rope than Bobby and that’s where you need improvement.
Bobby And just think, you can sleep in on Saturday and get some extra beauty sleep, not that you need it.
Joellen No I’m serious Cap. Let me switch.
Captain I’m serious too. No. Now come on we’ve got more sunshine to spread.
Bobby See you later.

Spokane's Hospital - Washington

Jarod What’s Chris working with?
Doctor A bungee cord. It helps strengthen his muscles.
Jarod Very clever. A rubber band with hooks.
Doctor That’s the concept.
Jarod What are his chances for recovery?
Doctor Too soon to say. But I’m an optimist. He could regain a good portion of his cognitive and motor skills.
Jarod Has he been able to communicate anything about his fall?
Doctor No. There’s been some improvement with his pre and post-traumatic amnesia but still, no indication that he has any memory of the accident.
Jarod There must have been some damage to his frontal lobe. More than likely he never had time to encode the event into his long time memory.
Doctor You don’t know about bungee cords but you know about Dearling’s theory on shock trauma?
Jarod I used to moonlight as a psychological re-constructionist. And I read his file. It says here that Chris landed on his back.
Doctor That’s right.
Jarod Now, the haematoma on his twelfth thoracic vertebra would indicate that he fell on something.
Doctor Paramedics didn’t note it.
Jarod I would have expected his injuries to be more severe, a fall from four stories. That’s usually fatal.
Doctor Were you a triage surgeon too?
Jarod Only until I became a rodeo clown.

Spokane's Training Center - Washington

Jarod No! No! Nooooo! Ughhh. Ohhh. Ohhh.
Spencer Hey. I wanna hear something that loud I’ll stick a gun in my mouth.
Jarod Hey I’m sorry. I just fell off a building. Hey! Wait, wait up. I want to talk to you for a second.
Spencer Don’t you have anything better to do at three am?
Jarod It’s seven am.
Spencer Yeah! The noise pollution gets worse every day.
Jarod If you’re so concerned about the noise why don’t you move into a shelter?
Spencer Hey! Hey! A poet needs freedom to create. This is freedom.
Jarod Wow!
Spencer Yeah. The only drawback is the noise. Forcing me towards haiku.
Jarod Were you here writing your poetry the day that the man fell from the building?
Spencer Ooh Yeah! Yeah! Um. You see I was flowing a rhyme and all of a sudden I heard somebody screaming “No don’t! No don’t!” kinda like you were doing. And then and then Boom. After a little while all hell broke loose. Sirens, ambulances, cops. I tell you my creativity was shot for the day.
Jarod I’ve seen the police report. There’s no mention that you ever told the police what you heard.
Spencer No. No see, I didn’t tell the cops. I told one of you rescue guys.
Jarod Who?
Spencer I don’t know. I mean, this guy came up he said sorry about the noise, gave me twenty bucks and told ah me to get a hot meal. Now that my friend was poetic.
Jarod What did he look like?
Spencer With the gear and helmets and everything, all you guys look the same. Oh hey! Hey! Uh, you know what? He had some sort of fancy money clip. Uh, it had sort of like a, ah, a spider web design right in the middle of it.

Spokane's Center - Washington

Jarod Watermelon, right?
Roger Yeah. That’s what we call them here on earth. It’s tonight’s dessert.
Jarod Why are you banging on them?
Roger I’m not banging, I’m uh thumpin’. How do you tell when watermelon’s ripe?
Jarod I don’t know. I’ve never eaten one.
Roger Well Starman, you’re definitely in for a treat. We’re all chipping in so ah, you owe me five bucks.
Jarod Five bucks huh? Actually I don’t have any cash on me.
Roger Come on man. Hey! Nobody gets out of paying.
Bobby What’s the matter? Mommy didn’t give you any lunch money today?
Jarod Something like that. Can you cover me?
Bobby Yeah. Pay me back, right?
Jarod Of course I will. If we can’t trust each other who can we trust?
Bobby Right.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Broots I got word that you ah…
Dr Curtis Come in. Sit!
Broots Cute kids.
Dr Curtis I’ve been looking over your file. There’s a letter in here….
Willie Yo, let’s go.
Dr Curtis From a Mrs Mosely.
Broots Wh… my fourth grade teacher? How far back does that thing go?
Dr Curtis The letter is addressed to your mother. Apparently Mrs Mosely was concerned for your safety at school. Why was that?
Broots Well, you know how kids are, you know. They like to pick on the egghead.
Dr Curtis Do you remember what it felt like to be picked on?
Broots Yes I guess so, if I think about it.
Willie You’re next.
Dr Curtis So did you ever attempt to defend yourself against those bullies.
Broots Bullies. Oh, no. Actually, uh, no, I learned to outsmart them.
Dr Curtis What about today? How do you respond to people who pick on you today.
Broots No one bullies me.
Dr Curtis Really. I was under the impression that Miss Parker often takes you to task.
Broots She likes to tease me. Friends do that.
Dr Curtis Oh you two are friends?
Broots Uh well, wait. No, wait a minute. Um, not, not exactly.
Willie Let’s go.
Dr Curtis How does Mr Raines treat you?
Broots Huh? Mr Raines always has um has treated me fairly, with uh, with great respect.
Dr Curtis That’s very interesting because it says in here that you’ve been overheard disparaging him on more than one occasion.
Broots That’s… that’s, that’s a flat out lie. I’d like… Who said that? I would like to know who said that.
Dr Curtis Uh, that would be uh Mr Raines. It must eat you up knowing that people have picked on you your whole life, and you’ve always had to take it, never getting to even the score. I mean, how long will you let people demean and belittle you until you finally say enough, it ends here. How much humiliation can you take?
Broots I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to get inside my head, stir it up a little bit. Well it’s not gonna work.
Willie You, let’s go.
Girl But I want to stay here.
Broots Hey. Hey you. You! Leave her alone! What are they going to do with her.
Dr Curtis What do you think they’re going to do to her? Are they going to hurt her? The way Mr Raines implied once that he would do to your daughter.
Broots What do you want from me?
Dr Curtis The truth!
Broots Do you want to know the truth. I’ll give you the truth. If anyone was ever to hurt my daughter, even try to… I’d kill them. I don’t care who. I’d kill them.

Jarods' Lair

Sydney Sydney.
Jarod How’s the book?
Sydney I still don’t know how Judge T is going to wrap this one up. How do you know?
Jarod You always used to sit down at your desk at eight pm with a good book. Does it still relax you?
Sydney You know me too well. Hey! I can hear birds in the background. Must still be light where you are.
Jarod You’re getting very good at this.
Sydney I can also hear sadness in your voice.
Jarod Guess you know me too well. I’ve been thinking about my mother lately. What it’s going to be like when we finally meet.
Sydney Go on.
Jarod Well, it’s just that we’ve been separated for so long. Will she…never mind.
Sydney Everyone wants to believe a mother’s love is absolute. Sadly that’s not always the case.
Jarod Did your mother love you?
Sydney Yes, I believe she did, but know this. If the mother rejects her offspring rarely does the blame fall upon the child. It is usually an indication that the woman does not love herself.
Jarod Thank you Sydney.

Spokane's Hospital - Washington

Grace Hey! I told you to leave me alone.
Jarod This will help when the methadone doesn’t. You were at the free clinic getting your daily dose but methadone, it doesn’t stop the craving for heroin it only replaces it. That’s why you keep getting the sweats. Your body is screaming for relief.
Grace Are you a junkie?
Jarod No but I was a congressional adviser on drug policy for a while. Scout’s honour. This is ogden root. It’s an organic herb. It has a great calming affect. Friends of mine, they harvest it in Oregon. Trust me it works.
Grace Oh damn it!
Jarod Is this Chris?
Grace Yes when he was eleven years old. His papa sent it to me at a halfway house.
Jarod It’s odd to be carrying around a picture of someone you’re trying to forget.
Grace I’m not trying to forget. It would just be better if we don’t see each other.
Jarod Is that why you went to the hospital? I checked the sign in sheet at intensive care. You didn’t think people would recognise your maiden name.
Grace They told me that Chris was in a coma. They didn’t know if he was going to live or not. I just did what any mother would do. I went to see my son. I didn’t have the strength to open the door.
Jarod This is my mother. I only remember seeing her once. I don’t know much about her but I do know that I would give anything to feel her arms around me.
Grace Listen if you’re ju… If you’re gonna tell me that Chris needs me and the past doesn’t matter, save it. I’ve always been a great addict but I’m worthless as a mother.
Jarod Grace you’re a person with a disease. A disease that controlled your life. It kept you from the people that you love but somewhere you found the courage to fight it. Maybe if you look there again you will find what it takes to make things right with your son.

Spokane's Center - Washington

Bobby Hey Joellen. Where is everybody?
Joellen They’re around somewhere.
Bobby Really? Funny because I only saw your car out there in the parking lot.
Joellen Yeah. Please Bobby, I have work to do.
Bobby The Captain assign that to you?
Joellen Yeah! And he wants it done before he comes in.
Bobby I guess that means that when I make Captain you’ll do exactly what I say, huh?
Joellen Don’t!
Bobby I don’t like games.
Jarod You’ll never guess what I just found.
Bobby Hey Jarod I didn’t uh, I didn’t see your car outside.
Jarod I took the bus.
Bobby Oh.
Jarod A seedless watermelon. Now, I wonder how they get them out.
Bobby Yeah! Listen I, uh… I got some work I got to do. I’ll, uh, talk to you later.
Jarod If I’m tired you must be exhausted.
Joellen Why?
Jarod Well not only do you have to work and train all day like the rest of us but you have to put up with him.
Joellen What do you mean?
Jarod Looking over your shoulder. The constant wondering when he’ll show up. What he’ll want. The rage, the powerlessness. I know that it would eat at me until I wanted to scream.
Joellen At first it seemed liked harmless flirting. I thought I could handle it. Handle Bobby. But he’s so aggressive. He scares me.
Jarod Being the only woman, you must have felt trapped.
Joellen Well I knew that if I complained to the Commander I would get nothing but flak. Bobby would only deny it and I’d become the black sheep of the squad, if I wasn’t fired. Believe me it’s hard enough being one of the boys around here. So I just kept my mouth shut.
Jarod And then Chris found out?
Joellen One night, well Bo… Bobby touched me and I was upset. Chris comforted me. He was such a great guy, you know. As if dealing with his own problems wasn’t enough he wanted to take care of me too. He was really angry with Bobby. He even wrote up a report but, you know, I couldn’t sign it.
Jarod Well you should’ve. You’re not the first woman to feel this way. Bobby’s done this before, in Portland. He almost lost his job. His wife nearly left him but he intimidated the victim until she dropped the charges.
Joellen I don’t know. He’s connected Jarod. Bobby’s about to become Captain. Even if I take him on, he’ll win.
Jarod Don’t be so sure.

Mr Parker's Office - The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Dr Curtis Thank you for coming Miss Parker. I realise this interview is unpleasant. Just know that my intention is to eliminate people as possible suspects not incriminate them.
Miss Parker Considering I’m on record as having threatened to shoot Raines, I would think that I’m your number one suspect. And I suppose we’re having this meeting in my father’s former office because Raines thinks that it will unnerve me.
Dr Curtis I’m not sure I know what you mean.
Miss Parker My father has disappeared and some Ralph Reed clone has replaced him. Exactly what part of this is hard to grasp, Doctor?
Dr Curtis Let’s move on. Now you’ve known Jarod since you were a little girl. What is your relationship with him now?
Miss Parker My relationship… is to find him and bring him back…preferably alive but dead’s is becoming more acceptable.
Dr Curtis So it wouldn’t have bothered you if Mr Raines had shot Jarod?
Miss Parker Not at all. Mind if I smoke?
Dr Curtis You make no effort at all to conceal your hostility towards Mr Raines. Is that because you felt protected by your father?
Miss Parker I don’t need Daddy to protect me from Scar man.
Dr Curtis Would you care to expand on that?
Miss Parker I think he was involved in the death of my mother and knows what happened to my father.
Dr Curtis What makes you think that?
Miss Parker Woman’s intuition.
Dr Curtis So it is safe to say that it would give you great satisfaction to see him dead.
Miss Parker It would give me great satisfaction to perform his autopsy, before he was dead.
Dr Curtis Miss Parker. When you came in here I had no opinion one way or the other as to your involvement in the shooting of Mr Raines. However, you must admit your excessive candour…
Miss Parker If I’d shot you, you son of a bitch, you’d be dead. Are we clear?

Spokane's Training Center - Washington

Jarod Hey Poet! Do you like watermelon?

Spokane's Center - Washington

Bobby Yeah?
Jarod 911 We’ve got a bridge worker stuck on a scaffold.
Bobby When are these morons going to learn? Where is everybody?
Jarod Just you and me.
Bobby Let’s do it!

On a scaffold - Washington

Jarod Looks like a heart attack. I’m going over.
Bobby Not this time Spiderman. I’m in charge here. I’m going over. Okay. Feed me some line. Nice and easy. Nice and easy. A little more line. What are you doing? I need more rope.
Jarod Okay.
Bobby Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Jarod, Jarod! Hey! Hey! Jarod! Stop! Are you crazy?
Jarod Just making sure that you’re still high enough.
Bobby For what?
Jarod Your fall.
Bobby What the hell are you doing?
Jarod Yep! That’ll work. See ya Bobby.
Bobby Jarod! Jarod! Ahhhhh! Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Jarod What you did to Chris Welman when he threatened to expose your sexual harassment of Joellen.
Bobby Hey what kind of sick joke is this?
Jarod Oh this is no joke Bobby. At least I’m not laughing.
Bobby You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about man.
Jarod You had to stop him. You had your promotion to lose.
Bobby No man.
Jarod So you followed Chris Welman up to the training tower and you cut his rappelling rope. And then you made it look like he tried to commit suicide.
Bobby That’s a lie man. The man left a note.
Jarod Which you wrote on his computer. Now if it makes you feel any better I’ll write one on yours.
Bobby Jarod Please. Look all right, all right. I cut his rope. I did it. Right. Now please, just pull me back up out of here man.
Jarod Hmm. No way!
Bobby No! No! No! No!
Spencer Now that was poetic. Ha ha ha. Wow!

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Raines It’s about time Dr Curtis. Have you reached a conclusion?
Dr Curtis Yes.
Brigitte And your determination?
Dr Curtis Any one of them could have done it.
Raines Not very satisfying doctor.
Dr Curtis I’m very sorry Mr Raines. That is the only conclusion I can come to based on my evaluations.
Raines Get out!
Brigitte Perhaps Mr Parker knows who pulled the trigger.
Raines Wherever he is.

Wharf district - San Francisco

Dr Curtis I did what you wanted. I told them it could have been any one of them. This is who I believe actually shot him. So, we’re even.
Jarod For now.

Spokane's Hospital - Washington

PA Wheelchair to admitting, wheelchair to admitting.
Jarod Is there any progress?
Doctor It seems to vary with his mood. If we could find a way to keep his spirits up there’s a good chance Chris can regain up to eighty percent of his cognitive and motor skills.

Jarod's dream

Young Jarod Mom. Mom. I love you Mom.
Margaret I love you too Jarod.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 36 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

14.07.2022 vers 14h

05.04.2022 vers 13h

25.11.2021 vers 19h

04.01.2020 vers 16h

20.07.2019 vers 21h

29.07.2018 vers 16h

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !