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#220 : Mensonges

Jarod rencontre Mlle Parker dans une banque afin de renconter Mr Fenigor, qui détient des éléments importants sur leur passé, et y est un client régulier. Mais Fenigor reçoit une balle au cours du hold-up de la banque.

Le reportage du hold-up étant retransmis, tout le monde au Centre voit Jarod à la télévision: tout le quartier de la banque est alors bientôt infesté de nettoyeurs. 


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Extraits 2 - Ep. 2.20 - V.O.

Extraits 2 - Ep. 2.20 - V.O.



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Samedi 26.01.2019 à 16:00

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Michael Lange 

Scénarisation : Harry Dunn

Guests stars :

Amir Aboulela (Gar)
Courtney Peldon (Kaley Isaac)
Dawn Hudson (Kristi Isaac)
Jeff Kober (Clavell Dane)
Joel Stoffer (Jude Dane)
Keene Curtis (M. Fenigor)
Michele Maika (Bank Teller)
Nick Gaza (Harold Rosen)
Paul Perri (Frank K Isaac)
Ray Laska (le sniper Sweeper)
Saida Pagan (la journaliste)
Sam Ayers (Sam)


Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Première apparition, à visage découvert, du personnage de Fenigor dans la série.  

- Fenigor, qui a été activement recherché par Miss Parker et Jarod, parle des dossiers rouges à ces derniers. 



Jarod utilise une lettre écrite par Catherine Parker pour sa fille, quelques jours avant qu’elle ne meure, pour inciter Melle Parker à se rendre à la banque de Dover. Il lui donne deux lettres de plus écrites par sa mère quand elle arrive. Par la suite il lui présente Mr. Fenigor, l’homme qui pourrait détenir les réponses que Jarod et Mlle Parker désirent.

Avant que l’un d’entre eux ne puisse approcher Mr. Fenigor, Clavell et Jude Dane tentent de braquer la banque. Frank Isaac, le directeur adjoint, déclenche l’alarme et l’agent de sécurité de la banque se fait tirer dessus et tuer par Clavell. Les voitures de police encerclent vite la banque et les frères Dane rassemblent tout le monde présent dans la banque autour du bureau du directeur adjoint.

Melle Parker se demande comment elle n’a pas été mise au courant que Fenigor était toujours en vie et comment cela se fait que Jarod le lui apprenne. Elle pense alors que son père garde surement des secrets pour elle. Jarod dit à Melle Parker qu’il avait obtenu les lettres de Catherine Parker en forçant un coffre appartenant à son père chez lui et qu’il lui avait laisser un petit "cadeau" à la place.

Clavell emmène Jarod dehors, devant la banque et informe les policiers qu’il veut un hélicoptère pour les emmener, lui et son frère, hors d’ici. Il le veut dans une heure, ou il commencera à tuer les otages de la banque. En regardant les nouvelles à la télé, sachant que Melle Parker est à la banque, Mr. Parker et Mr. Raines apprennent que Jarod est aussi là bas.

A l’intérieur, le directeur adjoint n’a pas la combinaison du coffre de la banque. Pour éviter les effusions de sang, Jarod ouvre le coffre pour les frère Dane. Il informe aussi Clavell sur une issue de secours à travers un conduis de ventilation qui mène dans les égouts. Quand Jarod retourne avec le reste des otages, il choisit de s’assoir à coté de Mr. Fenigor. Jarod plaide auprès de Fenigor pour qu’il honore la mémoire de Catherine Parker en l’aidant. Regardant par terre, incapable de croiser le regard de Jarod, Fenigor dit à Jarod qu’il ne sait pas ce qu’il lui demande de faire. Jarod dit à Fenigor qu’il est le seul qui puisse l’aider en lui révélant qui sont ses parents. Sanglotant, Fenigor dit qu’il ne pouvait pas l’aider. Puis il se lève et part en courant. Clavell lui tira ainsi dans le dos pour l’arrêter dans sa course.

Le poumon de Fenigor a été perforé par la balle. Jarod essaye de stabiliser son état. En entendant la reporter de la télévision dire que la police pourrait bien lancer un assaut sur la banque, Clavell ordonne à tout le monde de se rassembler dans la salle des coffres. Pendant qu’ils se font enfermer dans la salle, un banquier apprend à Melle Parker et à Jarod que le compte de Fenigor est rémunéré par une compagnie à Blue Cove.

Pendant que Clavell et Jude travaillent dans le conduis de ventilation qui conduit aux égouts, Melle Parker lit une autres des lettres de sa mère remise par Jarod. Elle dit à Jarod que son père lui a rendu une visite chez elle ce matin, en parlant de Jarod qui essayait de ternir la mémoire de Catherine Parker avec des mensonges. Jarod lui demande si elle fait réellement confiance à son père. Elle semble se résigner au fait que peu importe le nombre de fois que son père lui avait mentit, elle ne ferait pas face à la vérité le concernant.

Mr. Fenigor reprend conscience de façon brève et dit à Jarod à quel point il est désolé de l’avoir emmené loin de ses parents. Une fois de plus, Jarod lui demande le nom de ses parents, mais Fenigor ne lui donne qu’une clef d’un coffre de la banque. Les otages sont enfermés dans la salle des coffres, alors Jarod ouvre le coffre de Fenigor et trouve des comptes bancaires ainsi qu’une enveloppe avec "Jarod" écrit à la main dessus. Jarod dit à Melle Parker que l’argent que Fenigor avait reçu pendant ses 28 dernières années venait directement du compte de son père. Jarod demande à Fenigor quels secrets contenaient l’enveloppe. Il répond que c’est d’où Jarod venait, le projet "Prodige". Il lui dit aussi que si Jarod le sortait de là il lui raconterait à lui et Melle Parker tout ce qu’ils ont besoin de savoir.

Jade prend un œuf en chocolat des mains de Jarod, œuf que Jarod avait auparavant modifié et qui ainsi explose dans les mains de Jude momentanément incapable de bouger ou de voir. Jarod désarme alors rapidement Clavell. Les otages s’échappent et Jarod enferme Jude et Clavell dans la salle des coffres. Un médecin arrive et prend Fenigor pour l’emmener aux urgences à l’hopital. Melle Parker crie à Fenigor de lui dire pourquoi son père le paye. Fenigor dit a Melle Parker que la réponse se trouve dans les "dossiers rouges… le projet prodige". Soudainement Fenigor se fait tirer dessus par un sniper du Centre, déguisé en sniper du SWAT, mais Fenigor n'est pas tué. Jarod prend avantage de l’agitation pour s’échapper.

Mr. Parker apporte des fleurs à Melle Parker, mais apparemment, sa visite est pour découvrir ce que Jarod et Fenigor pourraient avoir dit à Melle Parker pendant qu’ils étaient à la banque. Melle Parker lui ment et lui dit que Jarod n’a rien dit et qu’elle ignore qui est Fenigor.

Plus tard, Jarod appelle Melle Parker et lui demande ce qu’il adviendra d’eux, quand ils auront leurs réponses.


Miss Parker's Home / The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker (on phone)
I want a list of people who were on that bus with Jarod.
Broots (on phone)
The, uh, bus company says they cant disclose passenger identification.
Miss Parker The bus company says. You are truly pitiful.
Broots Well, yeah, they have certain privacy regulations. THere’s a certain protocol that we have to follow.
Miss Parker (opening her door)
Broots Daddy?
Mr Parker Well, are you gonna invite me in?
Broots Hello?
Miss Parker Of course.
Broots Hello? Miss Parker?
Miss Parker (to her dad)
Come in.
Mr Parker Hmmm. I like what you’ve done with the place. Your mother’d love it. Oh, now that is special. Is that new?
Miss Parker It was a gift… when I graduated college, from you.
Mr Parker You remembered. Hmmm. Why, you were 10 years old. You’d just come home from your first piano recital. What was the name of that piece you played? Fur Elise?
Miss Parker Bach’s Minuet in G. Daddy wa ht are you….
Mr Parker Oh, she was so beautiful, like you. I wish people would remember your mother the way she really was. They always taint her memory with lies.
Miss Parker Lies?
Mr Parker Yeah, the kind Jarod perpetuates about her, about me.
Miss Parker The truth about Mom is in my heart. Nothing can change that. Daddy… why are you here?
Mr Parker Oh, bad dream, I was awake all night. I just, uh, want to make sure you’re all right. Bach’s Minuet in G. I would love to hear you play that again.

Broot's Office - The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Sydney You sure it was her father?
Broots Yeah. Strange that Mr Parker would go back to that house after all these years…. typically unpredictable.
Miss Parker Working hard I see.
Broots Miss Parker. Oh, this came for you. (he gives her an envelop)
Sydney I hear your father came to visit. Would you like to talk about it?
Miss Parker Does it look like I want to talk about it?
Sydney Mn-mmm.
Miss Parker Dover Town Bank? Jarod.
Sydney A letter from your mother?
Catherine March Jude0, 1970. I’m counting the days until our trip to Europe. How excited I am at the prospect of showing you the world. For now though, my friend and I must amend some of the ugliness that exists around us. But I promise you and I will put all of this behind us on April 14. All my love Mom.
  End of flashback
Miss Parker April 14th, the day after Mom died.
Sydney Miss Parker?
  She runs away without a word for her friends.

Dover Town Bank - Dover - Delaware

Teller Next in line please.
Man It’s over there, that table there.
Teller Jude The loan desk is over there sir.
  End of the voices in the background
Harold Rosen (colliding with Miss Parker)
Oh, hello. Don’t put all your eggs into one basket. Harold Rosen. Can I interest you in one of our Easter annuities of IRA accounts?
Miss Parker Back off Bugs. Excuse me, I’m expecting a package, a letter or something left for me. The name is Parker
  Dad. Mom sent me here to get the child support. She said not to leave until you pay.
Frank Isaac One of the tellers can assist you.
Harold Rosen Easter annuity? Guess not.
Teller (to Miss Parker who just arrives)
Ma’am, I have customers ahead of you. If you’ll please wait in line
  She backs off, annoyed and then hears ...
Jarod Patience has never been on of your virtues has it, Miss Parker?
Miss Parker You got quite a set showing up here.
Jarod Well, even you wouldn’t pull a gun in a bank.
Miss Parker Where did you find that letter?
Jarod In the last place you’d expect. Would you… care to read more?
Miss Parker You son of a bitch. You could have just sent these. Why drag me down here?
Jarod So you wouldn’t miss… him.
  He shows her an old man who just comes in and goes toward the receptionist.
Teller Good morning Mr Fenigor.
Catherine Mr Fenigor, I’ve got to get Jarod and Timmy out of here tonight.
  End of flashback
Miss Parker Fenigor? The man who helped my mother rescue the children at the Centre?
Jarod The man who helped your mother try to save me. He’s a regular. Comes here every Friday morning. He’s been doing it for years.
Catherine’s voice My friend and I must amend some of the ugliness that exists around us.
Miss Parker He may know who killed my mother.
Jarod Who my parents are. The secrets to both our pasts.
  Suddenly, gunshots are heard. Two men come in.
Clave Everybody sit tight! This is a robbery!
Jude Move down! Let’s go! Move down!
Clave You move, you die. Are we clear?
Jude Move down! Move down! Let’s go! Shut up!
Clave I find one exploding dye pack, somebody’s not going home for lunch. You got that?
  Everybody is on the floor and Miss Parker tries to catch her gun but Jarod sees it and asks her :
Jarod What the hell are you doing?
Miss Parker Ending this thing.
Jarod By getting everybody killed? The sooner they get their money and leave, the sooner we get answers from Fenigor.
  She reluctantly leaves her gun where it is.
Clave Listen to me people. Nobody speaks, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt. Come on, come on.
Jude Shut up!
Clave Everybody keep their hands where I can see them.
Kaley (noticing her dad is putting on an alarm)
Dad don’t!
Jude Alarm!
Clave (reading a plate and threatening a man)
Frank K Isaac, Assistant Manager.
Frank Isaac I have a family.
Clave I bet you do.
  The guard has arrived.
Security Put the gun down and turn around. I can’t allow you to walk out of here.
Clave We got ourselves a problem then, don’t we?
Jude Clave…
Clave Shut up. Now I-I’m gonna count to three. You’re gonna lay that piece down onto the floor. One… two…

Not wanting to be shot, and not wanting any of the customers to be injured, the guard starts to put his own weapon when the man in the rabbit suit accidentally drops his basket of candy goodies. The noise startles Clave who half-turns to see what caused the noise and the guard tries to shoot him. Unfortunately, Jude sees him and kills him.

(to Jarod who has moved toward the guard) Get back. Now! (to his brother) What the hell are you looking at? Check the front door. Now! (to the hostages) Get down. (to Parker) You got something to say sister?
Miss Parker Nothing you want to hear.
Clave Keep it that way. All right, everybody up. (he show the safe deposit room) Move over here. Come on.
Jarod It’s not too late to stop this.
Clave Tell him that. Now shut up and move.

In front of the bank - Dover - Delaware

Lt Row This is Lieutenant Row. I want SWAT snipers deployed to all buildings across the street surrounding the bank.
Radio Roger that Lieutenant. Sniper teams deployed and in position in three minutes.
Police Okay, give me an open line into the bank. Get those people back.

Inside the Dover Town Bank - Dover - Delaware

Clave Let’s go, move it! Come on. Everyone in. Everybody down behind the manager’s desk. Now! Move! Get down! If you move, you’re dead. We want your valuables, watches, rings, wallets. Whatever you got, give it up.
Jude And your wallet, in the sack.
Clave Hurry up.
Jude (to Miss Parker) That means you too lady. Come on.
  Fenigor just sees Miss Parker and looks afraid and astonished.
Jarod Looks like he’s just seen a ghost.
Miss Parker He has and I intend to rattle some bones as soon as I can get to him. How is it that this guy was still alive and I didn’t know about it?
Jarod Well, I guess that Daddy keeps some secrets from you. Did he tell you about those letters?
Miss Parker I’m sure he didn’t know about them.
Jarod Well, that would be a stretch, considering that I stole them from his strongbox. I’m afraid I woke him up.
Miss Parker When?
Jarod Last night.
Miss Parker Why are you here?
Mr Parker Oh, bad dream, I was awake all night.
  End of the flashback
Jarod You’d think a man with as much to lose as your father would have a better home security system.
Miss Parker You’re lying.
Jarod Ask him about that little gift I left for him.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Raines Are you sure it was Jarod?
Mr Parker Took some of Catherine’s things and seams of mine and he left this behind.
Raines Jarod is rubbing our noses in it.

Inside the Dover Town Bank - Dover - Delaware

  A phone is ringing. It's Miss Parker's.
Clave Whose phone is that?
Broots (on phone)
Hello, hello? Hello? Miss Parker? Hello?
Clave (to Parker)
Give it.
Broots (on phone)
Miss parker? Miss parker? It’s Broots. It’s Broots. Can you hear me? Hello? Hello?
Jude Watches and wallets, come on everybody. Give it up. Put it in the bag.
Clave (he notices that Parker has a gun)
You weren’t gonna shoot my little brother were you, lady?
Miss Parker I’ll leave the executions to you.
Clave (to his brother)
Throw something over him.
Miss Parker Out of sight, out of mind, huh?
  Claves approaches her and he looks ominous.
Jarod Hey! Leave her alone.
Clave All right. All right, get up.
Jarod What?
Clave Get up!
Jude What are you doin’ Clavell?
Clave Gettin’ us out of here. Come on. Come on!

Sydney's Office - The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

TV Reporter Two armed robbers have entered the Dover Town Bank. We do know gunshots have been fired and hostages have been taken.
Broots Huh. Well, she, she never hung up her phone, so I was able to triangulate the signal. And ahh, called the Dover police and they told me about the robbery. And then I… I called Mr Parker’s office, but uh, nobody’s gotten back to me.
Sydney We need to go to Dover.
Broots Without a directive from upstairs? Sydney, forget it.
Sydney Miss Parker is not just a colleague Broots. She’s a friend.
TV Reporter Just a minute, a situation is developing. One of the robbery suspects is emerging from the bank with a hostage at gunpoint.
Broots (seeing Jarod)
Sydney, is that who I think it is?
Clave (on TV)
I want a helicopter to the airport, and I want a plane waitin’ on the runway.
Broots Oh boy.
Clave (on TV)
You got one hour to set it up, or people start to die.

Mr Parker's Office - The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Raines Where is this?
Gar Dover.
Miss Parker Dover Town Bank?
Raines Round up your group.

Inside the Dover Town Bank - Dover - Delaware

  Flashback 1
Catherine’s Voice April 13, 2am. We failed to rescue Timmy.
  End of flashback 1
  Flashback 2
Catherine No!
Catherine’s Voice Raines had already destroyed that sweet little boy.
Catherine Raines, what are you gonna do with tm now?
Raines There is no Timmy anymore.
Catherine’s Voice They’ll call him Angelo now. We’re planning to rescue Jarod tonight. Then tomorrow, you and I will be on our way to a better place. All my love, Mom.
  End of flashback 2


Clave Going somewhere?
Miss Parker Apparently not.
Frank Isaac There’s no smoking here.
Miss Parker Call a cop.
Clave I need the key to the outer vault door.
Kaley Dad, give it to him.
Clave Dad? This your daughter Frank?
Frank Isaac You stay away from her.
Clave Okay, Dad. She sure is a peach though.
Frank Isaac Your mother should be shot for sending you here.
Kaley If you cared about me, she wouldn’t have asked me to do this.
Frank Isaac That’s what she said, I don’t care about you? She’s telling you lies.
Mr Parker Lies, the kind Jarod perpetuates about her, about me.
Jarod Parents lying to their children. Now where have I heard that one before.
Miss Parker My father had his reasons for keeping those letters from me.
Jarod Like he had his reasons for saying your mother’s death was a… suicide? But if you really believe that, why are you so hell-bent on finding out what Mr Fenigor has to say?
Clave Combo to the vault cage.
Frank Isaac Only the senior manager has it. He’s not in today.
Clave How you doin’ sweetie?
Miss Parker Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?
Clave Why don’t I put a bullet through your brain?
Jarod I can open the vault.
Clave What are you, some kind of handyman?
Jarod Just versatile. You know, there’s another way out of here, one with less bloodshed, specifically yours.
Clave What are you talking about?
Jarod There’s a vent that leads down to a main sewer line. It leads right out of here.
Clave And how do you know that?
Jarod I studies the blueprints before I came in here. You’re not the only one who’s on the run.
Clave So you’re a handyman and a fugitive architect. You are versatile. Now open it. That’s very good. Let’s go.
Jude Tell the cops to bring us something to eat. I’m starving.
Clave You’re always starvin’. Get in there. Give me a bag. Keep an eye out.
Jarod Mr Fenigor, my name is Jarod. Do you remember me?
Fenigor Should I?
Jarod I was one of the children that you and Catherine parker tried to rescue from the Centre. You tried to help me once. Please… help me now.
Fenigor I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jarod You are the only person who can help me find out who my parents are. Look, you are being held against your will. You feel trapped and you feel terrified. I lived my entire life that way. Please…. help me.
Fenigor You and her together?
Jarod It’s complicated.
Fenigor You don’t know what you’re asking of me.
Jarod I am asking you to honour Catherine Parker’s memory. Please tell me who my parents are. Help me find out who I am.
Fenigor I can’t.
Jarod Please.
Fenigor I cant. I’m sorry, I just cant.
Jarod Mr Fenigor! No!
Jarod No!
Clave Hey!
Jarod I have to help him.
Clave I didn’t shoot him so he could be helped.
Jude Clave.
Clave Not now Jude.
Jude Hey. Hey hey!
Jarod It’s one thing to defend yourself against an armed bank guard. It’s another thing to shoot an innocent man in the back. If this man dies, so do you, in the electric chair.
Man Is he alive?
Harold Rosen I don’t know.
Jarod The bullet punctured his lung. He’s drawing in air from the exit wound. I need hand towels and I need some soap.
Woman In the bathroom.
TV Reporter Details at this time are sketchy. However, another shot was just heard from inside the bank. I’m going to make my way to the SWAT commander now for confirmation.
Miss Parker Don’t you die on me.
Jarod I need a plastic bag, and I need some tape.
Harold Rosen I’ve got a bag.
Jarod I have to seal the wound, or he wont be able to breathe. Cut off strips about this long. Apply constant pressure to the wound like this. I have to get him to a hospital.
Clave Nobody goes anywhere.
Jude Maybe we should do it. It’s just one guy.
Clave Nobody goes anywhere!
Jarod Find me something to elevate his legs. He’s diaphoretic. His pulse is thready and he’s bleeding internally. I can stabilise him for a while but he needs to get into surgery.
Miss Parker What the hell am I doing here?
Jarod How does it feel to be the prey instead of the predator?
Miss Parker Well, you wouldn’t be the prey if you’d get back to the Centre where you belong. Oh nice!
Jarod Fitting. You are so willing to ruin my life. Is your father’s validation that important to you?
TV Reporter I’m standing here with Kristi Isaac, whose daughter is Kaley is a hostage inside the bank. Kristi?
Kristi Isaac Please don’t hurt my daughter. She’s all I have.
Kaley Mom?
Kristi Isaac Kaley, Kaley. I love you. Frank, please take care of her.
Jarod It’s difficult for little girls to figure out their fathers, isn’t it?
Miss Parker Your point?
Jarod You give your loyalties to a man who fills your head with lies. Lies about those letters, lies about Fenigor.
Miss Parker And I suppose my loyalty should go out to you?
Jarod What would you do if Fenigor confessed that it was your father who killed you mother?
Miss Parker He didn’t! He loved her.
Jarod You are so sure of that aren’t you, Miss Parker?
TV Reporter It appears that the police seem to be mobilising for a possible assault on the bank.
Clave Everybody into the vault! Let’s go!
Teller How’s he doing?
Jarod He’s stable… for now.
Miss Parker How well do you know him?
Teller Comes in every Friday to pull cash out of his trust account.
Jarod Does he ever come in to make deposits?
Teller His account is funded by an outside source, some company from Blue Cove.
Miss Parker So the Centre is paying Fenigor to keep quiet. The question is who?
Jarod And quiet about what?
Sydney Over here Broots. Anything?
Broots No. Uh, police, locals, no one I recognise.
Sydney Maybe we’re the only ones who know that Jarod is here.
Broots Think again. It’s Gar and another of Raines’ guys.
Sydney They’re not the only ones. There’s Sam.
Broots This place is crawling with Sweepers.
Sydney We need to figure out what Raines is up to. I’ll follow Sam. You follow the others.
Broots Wait, wait, wait, wait! Sydney! Oh God, what am I doing here? I must be out of my mind.
Harold Rosen What are they doing?
Jarod Working on escape plan B.
Catherine’s Voice April 13, 7am. I have a bad feeling about the people surrounding me. If I can just get through this tonight, we’ll be on our way to a better place. All my love, Mom.
Jarod I know it’s not easy reading those letters. Look, I broke into your father’s house, trying to find something abut my past, but instead, I found out about yours. Your mother deserved a better fate than what she got.
Miss Parker You’re damn right she did. She used to send me letters on my birthday, holidays. I never knew about these. My father paid me a visit this morning, talking about how you taint the memory of my mother with lies.
Jarod And you believed him.
Kaley Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom.
Frank Isaac Hold it.
Kaley I can’t.
Frank Isaac These men are crazy, I’m not gonna risk getting us both killed.
Miss Parker Clave!
Frank Isaac What are you doing?
Miss Parker Your job. Clave! The kid has to use the bathroom, So do I.
Clave Hold it.
Miss Parker Hey, give us a break huh?
Clave Jude!
Kaley Thanks for what you did back there.
Miss Parker When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Kaley My dad says that he wants to take care of me, but … but then he lies to me.
Miss Parker Daddy, why are you here?
Mr Parker Oh, bad dream, I was awake all night.
Kaley I don’t know what to believe.
Miss Parker Believe what’s in your heart. Come on.
Fenigor Jarod.
Jarod mr Fenigor, you’ve been shot. Don’t try to move.
Fenigor You, you saved my life.
Jarod I did what was needed to be done.
Fenigor Jarod, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I took you from your family. I do want to let you know how… how sorry I am.
Jarod mr Fenigor, please… tell me who my parents are.
Miss Parker Is that the key to his safe deposit box? There might be something about my mother in there.
Jarod If there is, you’ll get it. Miss Parker, I brought you this far, I’m not gonna shut you out now.
Miss Parker Fenigor, my mother called you her friend. You owe her. You owe the both of us the truth. Who killed my mother? Who killed my mother?
Jarod Miss Parker, please! He can barely breathe.
Miss Parker Who’s paying you off to keep it a secret? What’s happening to him?
Jarod There must be blood around his lungs. I need some sort of tube to drain it out.
Kaley I have a sports bottle on Daddy’s desk.
Miss Parker Jude! Jude! Jude, the old man can’t breathe. We need the water bottle that’s on the manager’s desk.
Jarod I don’t know.
Miss Parker He’s gonna die if we don’t help him. I know you couldn’t do anything about that guard, but you can do something now.
Jarod Just hang on. Come on.
Jude Get back.
Miss Parker Don’t move. Back off, or I drop little brother.
Clave I’ve already shot two people, you think one more’s gonna make a difference?
Kaley No! Please! Please don’t kill my father.
Clave What’s it gonna be?
Broots Mr Raines’ guy is in a SWAT uniform . He’s right up there.
Sydney The target must be Jarod. We have to take care of this sniper before he shoots Jarod.
Broots Well, well, don’t look at me. I cant even squash a bug Sydney.
Sydney Then guard the alleyway. Don’t let anyone follow. Are you up to this Broots?
Broots No, but it’s never stopped me before.
Gar Sydney, mr Raines would like to see you. You wont be needing that.
Clave What the hell where you doing in there?
Jude She said the old guy needed help.
Clave Help? I need help. You pull something like that again… you’re gonna end up just like the guard, brother or not.
Miss Parker You okay?
Kaley I wanna go home.
Miss Parker Me too.
Frank Isaac Get away from her.
Kaley What? She tired to save us.
Frank Isaac She could have gotten us all killed.
Miss Parker It’s okay.
Kaley No, it’s not.
Frank Isaac You do as I say. I’m your father.
Kaley Oh yeah? Since when? You know, you can keep your money. I cannot believe Mom thought it would make a difference if I came down here.
Frank Isaac This is because of you.
Miss Parker I can’t figure out if you’re ignorant or just stupid.
Frank Isaac You listen to me.
Miss Parker No, you listen to me! You think that little girl came down here today for money? There is something here a lot more important to her than cash and I … I feel real sorry for you if you’re too blind to see what that is
Jarod Miss Parker reached out to help someone.
Miss Parker Spare me.
Jarod Your mother would be very proud of you.
Miss Parker You put on quite a show today. Sydney taught you well.
Jarod Sydney taught me to believe that you can be anything you wanna be.
Raines You should have know better than to come here without a directive.
Sydney You should know better than to defy Tower policy by having Jarod assassinated.
Raines You’re in over your head Sydney. Shoot him if he tries to leave.
Frank Isaac I’ve made some mistakes. I don’t want to lose you.
Miss Parker mr Fenigor? You were my mother’s friend, her confidant. Please tell me who killed her. He’s not gonna tell me.
Jarod Maybe he already has.
Sydney Could you really do it Gar? Could you kill me if I stepped out of this car?
Gar Yeah.
Cop Move the car buddy.
Sydney Thank you kindly Gar. Now do as the officer says, move the car.
Miss Parker Fenigor’s deposit records. Transfer from a Centre bank in Bimini. $10000 a month. Every month for the last 28 years.
Jarod Do you recognise the account number?
Miss Parker No.
Jarod It’s your father’s.
Miss Parker How do you know?
Jarod You’d be surprised what I know about him.
Miss Parker That’s it?
Jarod That’s it.
Miss Parker What else does he know?
Jarod Apparently everything. mr Fenigor, what secrets are in this envelope? What is it?
Fenigor It’s about Prodigy. This is where you came from. Get me out of here and I’ll tell you everything, both of you.
Miss Parker What are you going to do with that dye pack?
Clave Well?
Jude Handyman was right. There’s an access entry to the main sewer line.
Clave We’re gonna get out of here, little brother. Come on.
Clave This is your lucky day, people. Thanks to Jarod’s brilliant escape plan, none of you will have to die today. In spite of everything… It’s ben a real gas.
Jarod Well, at least we won’t starve.
Jude Give me that one.
Jarod What?
Jude Give it.
Clave Come on Jude! Jude, what the hell you doin’?
Miss Parker Everybody out! Help me with the old man. Be careful with him. Out out! Hurry!
Miss Parker Mind if I cut in?
Jarod I don’t like being locked up in little rooms.
Miss Parker This is mine.
Harold Rosen Oh, thank you Jarod.
Miss Parker Let’s get out of here.
TV Reporter The crisis is over. The hostages are coming out of the bank now, and the paramedics have gone in.
Jarod Move! Move! Come on.
Sydney Jarod!
Miss Parker mr Fenigor.
Sydney Jarod!
Miss Parker mr Fenigor, why is my father paying you? Is it about who killed my mother?
Sydney Jarod!
Miss Parker Answer me!
Fenigor It’s in the Red Files.
Miss Parker Red Files?
Fenigor Prodigy red files.
Miss Parker Prodigy.
Broots Freeze!
SWAT All units. Shooter, second story, 641 building across the street from the bank. Move.
Broots Please!
Raines You were right. Fenigor was in there.
Mr Parker Did we get him?
Raines Wounded. He’s in an ambulance. I’ll take care of the details.
Mr Parker Do you think he told her anything?
Raines Nothing that can’t be denied.
Sydney You alright?
Miss Parker Perfect.
Mr Parker Where’s Jarod?
Miss Parker He got away.
Mr Parker Another failure.
Miss Parker I’m fine Daddy.
Mr Parker What?
Miss Parker Maybe you’ll sleep better tonight.
Catherine’s Voice March 20, 1970. I’m counting the days until our trip to Europe. How excited I am at the prospect of showing you the world. For now though, my friend and I must amend some of the ugliness that exists around us. But I promise, you and I will put all of this behind us on April 14. All my love, Mom.
Miss Parker Daddy.
Mr Parker Am I still welcome here?
Miss Parker It’s late.
Mr Parker Thank God you’re alright. Um… sorry I didn’t say that earlier.
Miss Parker You didn’t have to come all the way out here to tell me that.
Mr Parker Oh, yes, Angel, I did. See I wasn’t entirely forthcoming with you this morning.
Miss Parker Oh?
Mr Parker Truth is, somebody broke into my house last night.
Miss Parker That’s terrible. I hope you didn’t lose anything valuable.
Mr Parker Oh, nothing that can’t be replaced.
Miss Parker I wish I’d known earlier. I could’ve asked Jarod if he had anything to do with it.
Mr Parker Hmmm. Well, I wanted you to know. Can’t have secrets between family, now can we?
Miss Parker Daddy.
Mr Parker Mm-hmmm.
Miss Parker How come that Centre sniper shot that old man outside the bank?
Mr Parker Oh, tragic accident. Any idea who he was?
Miss Parker Not a clue.
Mr Parker Get some rest Angel. You sure earned it.
Miss Parker What?
Jarod I never had a chance to say goodbye.
Miss Parker How did you get away?
Jarod Escape plan B, remember?
Miss Parker The vent. How was it down there.
Jarod Let’s just say I’m hoping my next pretend isn’t as a sewer worker. Did you talk to your father?
Miss Parker He just left. He didn’t say it was you who broke into his home. Didn’t say it wasn’t either.
Jarod Fenigor?
Miss Parker I told him I didn’t know who he was.
Jarod So you lied.
Miss Parker Like father, like daughter. Jarod we were so close to finding the truth.
Jarod You’ll figure it out… and so will I. The question is what becomes of us when we have all our answers?
Miss Parker That is the question.
Fenigor’s voice This is where you came from.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 36 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

26.07.2022 vers 20h

05.04.2022 vers 13h

25.11.2021 vers 19h

07.01.2020 vers 20h

24.07.2019 vers 14h

29.07.2018 vers 16h

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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