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Citations VO :

  • "I'm Quinn... Quinn Mallory." 

> Mallory, shocking Rembrandt, Maggie and the casual viewing audience after yet another sliding mishap.

  • "Q-Ball would know."

> Rembrandt, on how it went from day to night between the two slides.

  • "Are you two people?" 

> Oberon Geiger, to Mallory, after the lab experiment.

  • "We've, uh, made a few enemies along the way." 

> Rembrandt, summing up the past four years worth of sliding.

  • "It's one of the predicted algorithms in the EPR paradox." 

> Diana, explaining how she knew that Maggie and Rembrandt would be stuck for 29.7 years if they didn't slide.

  • "Yeah, well, 'sorry' doesn't cut it, lady!" 

> Rembrandt, after Diana half-heartedly apologizes to Rembrandt and Maggie about GAR's lab experiment.

  • "Welcome to my lab, Mr. Mallory."

> Geiger, when he realizes Quinn has temporarily taken control of Mallory's body.

  • "You speak for yourself girl, I'll still be in my prime."

> Rembrandt, after Maggie says they should hobble off on a slide after a 29.7 year wait.

  • "Or not." 

> The preacher, after shouting fire and brimstone Bible quotes for four hours, upon seeing the clouds dissipate and the atmosphere returning to normal.

  • "I'm going with you. It's the only chance I got."

> Mallory.

  • "Let's do it for Colin, Wade, the Professor... and I think I owe you a '70 DeVille." 

> Mallory, as Quinn, to Rembrandt. Great line.

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Aloha81, Hier à 12:38

Sachez que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage ! Bon week-end à tous !

Locksley, Hier à 14:44

Beaucoup de news paraissent chaque jour sur les séries TV, n'hésitez pas à nous aider à publier ces nombreuses actus !

Locksley, Hier à 14:45

Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

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