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#108 : Le premier noël de Jarod


Jarod devient médecin-légiste pour découvrir qui a assassiné un sans-abri. Mlle Parker espère passer Noël avec son père, mais une fois de plus, celui-ci la déçoit et annule au dernier moment. 


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Le premier noël de Jarod

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Jarod, enfant, découvre la neige

Jarod, enfant, découvre la neige

Jarod et Kim Fugimora

Jarod et Kim Fugimora

Angel, une orpheline

Angel, une orpheline

Jarod lit un conte de Noël aux enfants de l'orphelinat Sainte Catherine

Jarod lit un conte de Noël aux enfants de l'orphelinat Sainte Catherine

Miss Parker reçoit un lapin pour Noël

Miss Parker reçoit un lapin pour Noël

Jarod et le Dr Drake

Jarod et le Dr Drake

Miss Parker prépare ses paquets cadeaux

Miss Parker prépare ses paquets cadeaux

Sydney vient de recevoir son premier cadeau de Noël

Sydney vient de recevoir son premier cadeau de Noël

Un livre de Noël raconté par Jarod à des enfants orphelins

Un livre de Noël raconté par Jarod à des enfants orphelins

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Thomas J. Wright

Scénarisation : Juan Carlos Coto

Supervision de la production : Kimberly Costello

Guests stars :

Carol Locatell (l'infirmière de Jacob)
Dan Cashman (Jacob)
David Fresco le sans-abris)
James Thiel (jumeau n°2)
Jeffrey Thiel (jumeau n°1)
Kelsey Mulrooney (Angel)
Kevin E. West (Timothy Ryan)
Kimiko Gelman (Dr. Kim Fugimora).
Wendel Meldrum (Dr. Lizabeth Drake)
Bruce Bohne (Harry)
Michael Gilden (Elf)
Roberta Bassin (Soeur Magdeline)
Tony Plana (Detective Guerra)


Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Jarod enquête sur le meurtre d'un sans-abri déguisé en Père Noël, et surnommé "Grand-père Georges".

- Jarod exerce le métier de médecin-légiste.

- Jarod découvre la signification de Noël et ses traditions, le cake aux fruits et le sucre de canne.

- Jarod se fait appeler "Jarod Marley".

- Première apparition de Jacob, le frère jumeau de Sydney.

L'épisode s'ouvre sur un flashback montrant que Jarod s'est enfui du Centre. C'est la panique et tout le personnel est mobilissé pour le retrouver. Il est finalement localisé sur le toit du bâtiment où il découvre la neige et le goût des flocons. 

C'est le premier Noël de Jarod hors du Centre. Pour le célébrer, il a décidé de se rendre à Baltimore et de travailler dans une morgue afin de lever le voile sur la disparition de "Grand-père Georges", un homme qui se déguisait tous les ans en Père Noël et qui offrait des cadeaux aux enfants de l'orphelinat Sainte Catherine. Pour ce faire, il devient membre d’une unité de médecins légistes. Au cours de sa première mission avec l'unité, il travaille sur le cas d'un homme déguisé en Père Noël dont le cadavre a été découvert par un figurant déguisé en lutin. Le corps est ramené à la morgue où Jarod et ses collègues peuvent l'autopsier. C'est également à ce moment-là que notre caméléon est présenté au coroner en chef, le Dr Lizabeth Drake, et au détective Guerra. Drake veut savoir comment se débrouille le nouveau et demande au Dr Kim Fugimora de la conduire dans sa salle d'autopsie. Jarod annonce que la victme s'appelait Theodore Hargrove, était courtier et avait accepté de jouer le Père Noël à une fête donnée en centre-ville. En étudiant le lait de poule trouvé près du corps, et la façon dont il caillait, Jarod est capable de déduire l’heure de la mort. Il en conclut donc que le pauvre homme est décédé de diverses causes dont la principale est une crise cardiaque. Drake est impressionnée et quitte les lieux. Kim en profite alors ppour donner Jarod et au détective un cake aux fruits, offert par la mairie. Jarod est ravi de ce cadeau inattendu et trouve le gâteau appétissant alors que ses collègues le trouvent infâme. Cependant, ils ne lui en disent rien de peur de gâcher son enthousiasme.

Un peu plus tard, deux enfants jouant dans la neige trouvent le corps d’une jeune femme. Appelé sur place, les légistes et Guerra mènent leur enquête. L'inconnue n'a pas de papiers ou de documents permettant de l'identifier. Guerra qualifie alors la victime de « AF » ou de « adolescente fugueuse » parce qu'elle ne sera probablement jamais identifiée.  Jarod se rebelle contre cette situation et se montre déterminé à découvrir son identité afin d'avertir sa famille de son décès. Il consacre donc de longues heures à l'autopsie de la jeune fille allant ainsi contre les ordres de Drake qui veut qu'il ferme l'affaire. Sa persévérance paye et il parvient à l'identifier grâce aux callosités présentes sur ses mains qui indiquent qu'elle était gymnaste. Par recoupements, il parvient à retrouver son nom et à faire contacter sa famille. Avertie, celle-ci se rend sur place pour récupérer le corps et remercier chaleureusement Jarod pour son implication. 

En parallèle, Jarod trouve le temps de se consacrer à sa propre enquête concernant "Grand-Père Georges". Jarod consulte de vieux rapports de coroner pour se documenter sur l'autopsie du défunt et prend un emploi temporaire en tant que secouriste par téléphone pour se procurer la copie de l'enregistrement audio de l'appel à police secours daté de l'année précédente et mettant en scène ses derniers instants. L'appel a été passé par un SDF et ami de Georges nommé Harry qui indique que le vieil homme a été renversé par une voiture et que le chauffeur ne s'est même pas arrêté. Il décide alors de rendre visite à ce fameux Harry pour en savoir plus. Harry lui répéte que le chaffeur a commis un délit de fuite puis ajoute qu'un autre chaffeur, une femme médecin légiste, est arrivée peu après et a tenté de sauver le blessé. Jarod trouve intéressant que le coroner soit arrivé avant la police et demande la description de la personne : il se rend alors compte qu'il s'agit du Dr Drake. En continuant son enquête, il découvre que c'est elle qui a tué Georges en lui injectant du phénotripticol. Comme à son habitude, il décide de la punir en lui préparant un mauvais tour. Il commence par s'assurer que le DrDrake a bien toujours avec elle une sacoche de médecin en dépit du fait qu'elle soit légiste et ne doive normalement pas soigner d'êtres vivants. Pour ce faire, il se place stratégiquement devant sa voiture pour simuler un accident bénin. Drake, confuse, se précipite pour l'aider et le soigner. Il passe alors à la phase 2 de son plan : s'introduire dans sa voiture pour vérifier la présence de phnéotripticol dans sa trousse de secours. Ceci fait, il prépare un cake aux fruits auquel il ajoute un morceau de poisson-globe (qu'il a vu Kim cuisiner avec précaution pour le repas de Noël de la morgue) qui peut être mortel s'il est mal préparé. Il lui offre ensuite le cake, en insistant sur le fait qu'il l'ait cuisinié lui-même, et très vite le Dr Drake se sent mal. Le caméléon l’informe alors qu’un morceau de poisson-globe a pu se glisser accidentellement dans la pâte à gâteau. Alarmée, elle insiste pour qu'il appelle les secours mais il refuse arguant qu'elle ne l'a pas fait pour Grand-Père Georges.  Il est furieux qu'elle ait tué un homme encore conscient et qui aurait pu avoir une chance de s'en tirer. Pour se venger, il lui injecte un peu de phénotricpitcol ec qui la paralyse sans pour autant la priver de sa conscience.  Il la conduit ensuite à la morgue où ses collègues et lui la placent en isolement le temps que la drogue arrête de faire effet et qu'elle soit arrêtée. Il conclut sa tournée en se rendant à l'orphelinat Sainte Catherine pour offrir aux enfants des cadeaux pour Noël et rendre le sourire à Angel, une petite fille qui adorait Grand-Père Georges et que le génie a eu l'occasion de rencontrer lors d'une de ses précédentes visites.

En parallèle, au Centre, Miss Parker est conviée par son père à venir dîner avec lui et des membres éminents de l'institution mais il annule au dernier moment, la rendant très triste. Elle a cependant la surprise de recevoir un cadeau de la part de Jarod : un lapin. Ravie, elle serre la petite bête contre elle et comprend que Jarod n'a pas oublié son voeu de petite fille de posséder un lapin. Voeu que Jarod ne risquait pas d'oublier puisqu'il a avec lui les DSA volés lors de son évasion et qu'il a pu revisionner le moment où Miss Parker, alors âgée de 9 ans, lui en a fait part. 

Sydney, de son côté, quitte comme à son habitude le Centre pour les fêtes afin de se rendre au chevet de son jumeau comateu à l'institut de Mount Pleasant. A son arrivée, l'infirmière lui dit que Jacob (son frère jumeau) a reçu la visite de son fils. Le psychiatre est étonné car il n'a pas d'enfant mais, avant d'avoir pu parler, elle précise qu'il s'agit de Jarod. Elle ajoute qu'il a laisssé un cadeau à Jacob : une boule souvenir avec l'Empire State Buildng que Sydney avait lui-même offert à Jarod dans son enfance, bravant ainsi les règles du Centre.


THE CENTRE - 24/12/1971

Sweeper Already checked corridor 2. Nothing there/.
Sweeper 1 Anything at all?/
Sweeper 2 Where is he?
Sydney Find him. Come on! Let’s go!

A street in Baltimore - Present

Elf Well, I guess Mama wont be kissing Santa Claus this year.
Detective Guerra Just tell me what you saw.
Elf Hey, I’m just a elf. I do what I’m told. You know? Be jolly? Besides I haven’t seen the big guy since the party last night.
Detective Guerra Oh yeah?
Elf When are you gonna shovel him out?
Detective Guerra Soon enough, the meat wagon just got here.
Elf Don’t you mean the meat sleigh?
Detective Guerra Ho ho ho.
Fugimora Hey.
Detective Guerra Evenin’.
Fugimora Okay, got a live one.
Jarod A live one?
Fugimora It’s a joke. Snow blowers must have buried him.
Jarod Is that… Santa Claus?
Fugimora Yeah, the red hat’s a dead give away. Anybody got a shovel?
Jarod No. But I’ve got the gift wrap.

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Fugimora Thanks Gus. Dr Drake? These just came in from the mayor’s office.
Drake Same gift as last year?
Fugimora Smells like it.
Drake Oh, well, ’tis the season Fugimora. Pass ’em out. We’ll see who survives this year.
Fugimora Yes ma’am.
Drake Uh, so how’s the new guy doin’?
Fugimora A lot better than Santa. Drinking
on the job?
Jarod Actually, this was from the scene.
Fugimora Dr Jarod Marley? Meet Dr Lisabeth Drake, our chief coroner.
Jarod Hello.
Drake Hi, you finished with St Nick?
Jarod Yes I am.
Drake Detective Guerra. Gee, you’re right on time. Now can we do this?
Fugimora Victim is not Kriss Kringle as we first suspected, but a Theodore Hargrove, 58, stockbroker, played Santa at one hell of a Christmas party downtown. Go ahead Doctor.
Jarod He died of a combination of factors, mainly a heart attack.
Drake Kim, I thought we were going with exposure.
Jarod Well, that was my first instinct, but further examination revealed the truth.
Detective Guerra Heart attack makes sense. Folks at the office part said St Nick was doin’ on hell of a lambada last night.
Jarod I don’t know who Lambada is, but yes, lividity was affected by the cold. But the blood distribution in the leg muscles would suggest he was doing strenuous acts.
Detective Guerra What about time of death?
Drake No way. We can’t pull that off in this weather.
Jarod Actually that’s where this came in. The eggnog was hard when we found it, but it wasn’t completely frozen through. Mainly because Mr Hargrove had quite a bit of brandy in it.
Detective Guerra Oh, there’s a shocker.
Jarod The milk had time to curdle. So I compared the bacteria levels in the cup with that of the sample that fell on the snow. And I deduced that Mr Hargrove succumbed to his heart attack somewhere between 1:45 and 2 am. My guess would be 1:48-ish.
Drake I ask for an autopsy, he gives me eggnog.
Fugimora Yep? Okay. Dr Drake? The delegation from the mayor’s office is here.
Drake Damn! They’re early. We’re done
Jarod Career anxiety?
Detective Guerra Oh, you haven’t met the mayor.
Fugimora But, hey, he gives killer Christmas presents, and I mean… killer.
Detective Guerra No, not again.
Jarod Is this for me?
Fugimora Geez, Jarod, don’t tell me you never got a Christmas present before.
Jarod Not in a very long time. Thank you. A pastry with candied cherries?
Detective Guerra It’s fruitcake.
Jarod A cake with fruit baked right in. Thank you, this has to be delicious.
PA Records department, please call the third floor.
Detective Guerra Should we tell him?
Fugimora Let him discover it.
Detective Guerra Yeah.
Jarod Mnnn.
Sydney (to the camera the to Jarod)
Jarod has been moved to his room, as always, I begin my Christmas hiatus tomorrow. I’ll be in Mount Pleasant at the usual number. It is the Christmas season, but the Tower deems it best to insulate Jarod from the trappings of popular culture. Jarod, I’ll be gone for the week and I wanted to say goodbye.
Young Jarod Why do you go away every year when it turns cold outside?
Sydney Business Jarod, that’s all. If you can keep a secret, I brought you a little something. A gift.
Young Jarod A gift? This is snow.
Sydney Yes, remember, tell no one I gave this to you.
Young Jarod Take me outside Sydney, to see the real snow.
Sydney I can’t Jarod.
Young Jarod But I want to see if for myself.
Sydney Enjoy this snow. And I will see you again soon. Okay?

Another street - Baltimore

Kid I got you!
Kid 1 Aahh!
Kid Let’s get out of here.

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Fugimora Two kids found her buried in the snow a couple hours ago.
Jarod Now, that’s criminal.
Drake Vagrant. After you thaw her out, check for needle marks. My prelim is overdose.
Jarod I wonder who she is.
Drake We’ll never know. LGL, bag her and tag her. And next time, please, don’t make me wait.
Jarod LGL?
Detective Guerra Little girl lost. No witness, no ID.
Jarod Her family must be worried sick, wondering where she is.
Detective Guerra That’s the tragic part. She’s probably a runaway. We get them all the time. Nothin’ to go on, so she becomes a case number. Like all the rest.
Fugimora Are you okay?
Jarod No.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Sydney Fascinating hmmm? Only one twin is wired, but they both feel the shock.
Miss Parker I don’t even wanna know. Cleanup crew just came in from Cleveland.
Sydney Any luck?
Miss Parker Jarod’s last life in a box. You’re the shrink, maybe you can figure out their meaning.
Sydney Jarod’s trying to tell me something.
Miss Parker Makes a great greeting card, but face facts Syd. At this rate, you boy won’t be home for the holidays.
Sydney Maybe not, but he’ll contact me, he has to.
Miss Parker Well, it’s Christmas.
Sydney I worry about him. Out there this time of the year.
Miss Parker Relax. He’s probably holed up in Whoville experiencing the Grinch for the first time.

The street where Christmas George died - Baltimore

Jarod Would you like some? It’s called fruitcake.
Harry Fruitcake? I’m not that homeless. What, are you writing a book?
Jarod Um, no, not… not exactly. You miss him, don’t you?
Harry Who?
Jarod George, Christmas George.
Harry You knew George?
Jarod I feel like I did.
Harry George was all the family I had. Well, he was all the family a lot of people had.
Jarod The children at the shelter miss him.
Harry Yeah, foster kids, runaways, they knew the real George. Oh, everybody thought he was a bum because he didn’t have a home, and panhandled to get by. But he took all that money, and one day a year he made sure they had presents and a special meal. Every Christmas Eve, he’d dress as Santa and read to those kids all night long.
Jarod That’s why they called him Christmas George.
Harry Yeah. When George was alive they all had family, for at least one day. Christmas doesn’t count for squat without family son.
Jarod No. I’m beginning to realise that.

Saint Catherine's Center - Baltimore

Nun Oh, there you are Jarod. I just wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve done this season. Without Christmas George, it hasn’t been the same.
Jarod Oh, I’m happy to help.
Nun For a happy man, you look perplexed.
Jarod Well, the truth is, I am. Have you read this?
Nun The Night Before Christmas? It’s a classic.
Jarod It’s very good, but I’m a little confused about something. Now, if Santa Claus were to deliver a present to every child on Earth, he’d have to visit 830 homes a second. Which would mean his reindeer would have to travel about 700 miles per second and he’d have 1/1000th of a second to park the sleigh, to crawl down the chimney, to pass out the presents and to eat cookies and milk. And for a middle-aged, overweight man, that’s quite a feat.
Nun Santa works in mysterious ways.
Jarod But it’s so fantastical, why would anybody believe it?
Nun It’s Christmas Jarod, anything’s possible.
Jarod Oh. Angel, they’re getting ready to string some popcorn. Don’t you want to help? Don’t you want to talk to Santa?
Angel He’s not Santa.
Jarod Is something wrong?
Angel Is Christmas George coming back?
Jarod No, no he isn’t.
Angel Why not?
Jarod Christmas George died. Do you know what that means?
Angel We won’t ever see him again.
Jarod Well, that’s true, and then again, it isn’t. Could I ask you something? Why did you like Christmas George?
Angel Well, he was nice. And he made sure the kids always had something under the tree on Christmas.
Jarod So, what you’re saying is that he had a spirit, a feeling, that made you feel good. Well, as long as you have that feeling, Christmas George is gonna be right here.
Angel So every time it’s Christmas, I can think about George and he’ll be here?
Jarod Every time.
Angel Can I help?
Boy Sure, come on.

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Fugimora Geez, Jarod, you run 137 tests. Any luck on the LGL?
Jarod That’s not her name.
Fugimora I didn’t mean anything.
Jarod She should have a real name. Her family should know. Especially at this time of the year.
Fugimora You’re not gonna give up are you?
Radio And we’ve got more Christmas hits coming your way, so snuggle up by the fire with that special someone and enjoy the holiday season.

Miss Parker's Home - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker What?
Mr Parker It’s me. I’m having a holiday gathering at the club. It wouldn’t be the same without my favourite girl.
Miss Parker I’ll be there.
Mr Parker Very well, Christmas Eve at 7. European associates will attend. Be prompt.
Miss Parker Of course Daddy. Merry Christ….

Coroner's office - Baltimore

Jarod Gunshot wound to the gill?
Fugimora Not a patient. Lunch.
Jarod Aren’t you a little young for poison fish?
Fugimora Puffer fish is only poison before it’s prepared.
Jarod Kim, fugu toxin is 500 times stronger than cyanide.
Fugimora Yeah, yeah, yeah. But when it’s done right, all you get are tingly toes and a great buzz. Christmas dinner around her, my fugu’s a tradition. They boys in the morgue love it. And it goes great with cranberries.
Jarod I’ll stick with fruitcake.
Fugimora And relax, my uncle was a master fugu chef in Tokyo.
Jarod Was?
Fugimora He’s retired.
Jarod Oh good, well I’m glad to hear that. Uh, would you help me with this?
Fugimora Man, did you spill a whole mug?
Jarod Well, actually, I spilled a whole pot.
Fugimora I’ll get you a duplicate.
Jarod Oh, no, no, no. That’s okay. Just show me where the old files are.

Rescue Services Tower - Baltimore

Woman It should take a few seconds to start working. Yes, I’ve already dispatched the ambulance.
Man Ma’am, ma’am, no. An overflowing toilet is not a 911 call. Ma’am would you please hang up and call a plumber.
Woman 2 Okay, you need to… induce vomiting. Yes, uh, no, your finger will be fine.
Jarod Yes.
Hodges It’s not working, it’s not working.
Jarod Your son is going to be fine Mr Hodges, if you just listen carefully.
Hodges Okay.
Jarod Now, remember, clear the airway and tilt his head back.
Hodges Right, tilt his head back.
Jarod Now, back to the breathing.
Hodges Okay. Okay.
Jarod Now, continue the up and down motion on his chest.
Hodges Okay, five count?
Jarod Yes.
Hodges Oh my God! He’s breathing! My son is breathing!
Jarod That’s fantastic Mr Hodges.
Hodges They’re here! The ambulance just got here.
Jarod You see? That wasn’t so difficult. Merry Christmas.
Hodges Thank you so much, thank you.
911 Operator 911 Operator.
Harry Hello, my name’s Harry. I’m calling from the corner of Lawson and Hill. My friend… Oh, God, my friend George is….
911 Operator Tell me what the problem is sir.
Harry They ran George down. You gotta get somebody down here. Lawson and Hill. Right in front of the children’s shelter. Hurry, you gotta hurry.
911 Operator I’m calling it in sir. Is anyone else hurt?
Harry No, they just hit him and they left. I didn’t see no car.

The street where Christmas George died - Baltimore

Jarod This is where it happened?
Harry Where I found him. They just left George there to die.
Jarod They?
Harry I don’t know, crash woke me up. I didn’t see it.
Jarod I’m sorry.
Harry I never left his side. Never, not until the coroner showed up.
Jarod The coroner? Not the police?
Harry Better directions I guess. You know, he held my hand and, and we got to say goodbye.
Jarod You mean he didn’t die instantly?
Harry Ah, hell no! He was a fighter. Coroner tried to save him. Gave George a shot and everything but… didn’t help. I never knew coroners carried doctor bags.
Jarod Neither did I.
Harry She did what she could, I guess, but by the time the cops got here, she told them George had passed.
Jarod She? Was she alone?
Harry Yep.
Jarod And she had red hair.
Harry Uh, yeah. How’d you know?

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

PA Any available assistance to the IV Unit.
Drake Why haven’t you shipped the LGL? We need slab space for the holidays.
Jarod I found some stress fractures in her legs.
Drake Forget about it. We’ve done our due diligence. Finish up the paperwork and send her along.
Jarod I understand.
Drake By the way, new guy works Christmas Eve. Don’t worry about it. Last year was so slow we broke out a bottle of Christmas cheer. Too bad I wont be here to share a toast.
Jarod Well, you never know Doctor. Christmas has its way of bringing people together.
Jarod Our Jane Doe’s real name is Gabrielle. Gabrielle Ryan. She’s from Nashton. She would have been 18 next month.
Detective Guerra How did you do this?
Jarod Lower fractures to the medial malleoli.
Detective Guerra Media who?
Jarod Bad ankles. From compression impacts. That, and she had callous patterns on her hands like this. Parallel bars were her specialty. Will you tell her family right away?
Detective Guerra Count on it. Hey, good work Jarod. See you around.

The Centre - Sydney's Office - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker Face it, Sydney. It’s almost Christmas. He’s not going to call. I see you’re clearing out for your usual holiday hiatus so here.
Sydney A Christmas present? From you?
Miss Parker Don’t go hanging mistletoe. See you after the first.
Sydney And a merry Christmas to you too, Miss Parker.

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Jarod Kim.
Fugimora Hey.
Jarod Hi, I was going over last year’s duty roster and I see that you were working on Christmas Eve.
Fugimora I was the rookie last year. That means this year, you get to wait up for Santa.
Jarod I don’t mind working the holiday. The truth is, I’ve never really had Christmas Eve off. I wanted to ask you about the autopsies that were performed that night.
Fugimora Shoot.
Jarod According to the files, there were only two. A homeless hit and run victim named Christmas George and an 80 year old woman named Edwina Morris. Do you remember them?
Fugimora I remember the Morris woman. Dead ringer for Grandma Walton, only fat. But I wasn’t really involved in the hit and run.
Jarod I thought you were the only one on duty that night.
Fugimora I was until Drake came in with the hit and run. She did that autopsy.
Jarod The chief coroner came in on Christmas Eve to perform a homeless man?
Fugimora With karma like hers, she probably not that popular on the party circuit if you know what I’m sayin’.
Jarod The other body, Edwina Morris. Was she a pysch patient?
Fugimora No. Just a very large grandmother of six who died of natural causes. Why?
Jarod According to the toxicology report there were traces of phenotripticol in her blood.
Fugimora Phenotripticol?
Jarod Yes.
Fugimora Isn’t that used to subdue patients during psychotic episodes?
Jarod And in stronger doses, it induces a state of paralysis where the patient is conscious, but rendered immobile. Dead, but not dead.
Fugimora Oh, my God. Please don’t tell me that I performed and autopsy on someone who was alive and conscious!
Jarod No, no. You didn’t.
Fugimora Well, this couldn’t have happened. Someone must have messed up the toxicology reports.
Jarod Or switched them, on purpose.
Young Jarod You’re Miss Parker aren’t you?
Young Miss Parker I didn’t know anyone was here. Please don’t tell anyone I was here.
Young Jarod No, wait. Why did you come?
Young Miss Parker My mom let’s me see the rabbits when on one’s here. I want one, but my father wont let me have pets at home.
Young Jarod We’ve been studying them. There are three sets of twins. Now watch. They’ve never been together before. But somehow, the ones that are genetically identical just seem to find each other. Like something inside them draws them together, see? They’re soft.

A street in front of the coroner's office - Baltimore

Homeless Man Excuse me, can you sp….
Drake Not my neighbourhood. Oh my God. Didn’t you see me? Jarod!
Jarod I’m okay, I’m okay. It was just a, a little scratch.
Drake Are you okay?
Jarod I’m fine. Come on.
Drake I, I can help you out with that.
Jarod You certainly come prepared.
Drake Our patients may be dead, but we’re still doctors, right?
Jarod I suppose.
Drake I always keep it on hand. You never know when somebody might need one of us.
Jarod You never know.
Sydney Why, Jarod, I thought they’d taken you back to your room.
Young Jarod What are those Sydney?
Sydney They’re another project I’m working on.
Secretary Your car is ready to take you to the Mount Pleasant home.
Sydney Yes, thank you. Tell them to wait.
Young Jarod You will come back, wont you Sydney?
Sydney I always come back, Jarod. Don’t I?
Secretary Your car is ready to take you to the Mount Pleasant home.
Sydney Yes, thank you.
Secretary ….. take you to the Mount Pleasant home.

The Centre - Sydney's office - Blue Cove - Delaware - Present Day

Secretary Your car is ready to take you to the Mount Pleasant Home.
Sydney I’ll be right there.

Jarod's lair - Baltimore

Jarod (phone)
Last Minute Gifts? I need a last minute gift.
Jarod (phone)
Dr Fugimora? Well, I hate the be the bearer of bad tidings, but you’re going to need to come to work today. Something terrible has happened. I’ll explain everything when you get in there.

Dr Drake's car - Baltimore

Jarod Don’t you love Christmas? It’s so Christmassy.
Drake Jarod, I thought you were working today.
Jarod I am. But I wanted to give you a little something.
Drake For me?
Jarod Mn-hmmm. Open it.
Drake Fruitcake. This actually smells good.
Jarod I was so impressed with the mayor’s gift, I tried baking one myself and I want you to be the first to taste it.
Drake Mnnn?
Jarod Oh, no thank you.
Drake Mnnn. Mnnn! It’s actually good. So, um, are you gonna see your family for the holidays?
Jarod I don’t think that’s going to be possible this year. Are you okay?
Drake I…. feel a little… My God!
Jarod Dr Drake? Let me help you.
Drake My stomach, my God! What was in that cake?
Jarod I went to great pains making that cake. It couldn’t have possibly been the…..
Drake What?
Jarod Uh-oh.
Drake What?
Jarod Well, Fugimora has been teaching me how to prepare puffer fish. And I was practicing when I was making the fruitcake. And some of it might have accidentally slipped into the batter.
Drake Puffer fish?
Jarod I’m afraid so.
Drake You idiot! You poisoned me!
Jarod I’m sorry.
Drake Call 911.
Jarod Okay. Uh, I can’t.
Drake Jarod, what are you doing?
Jarod I can’t call 911.
Drake Are you crazy?
Jarod No, but I am thorough. If I call 911, they’d be able to help you. But they could hurt me.
Drake What?
Jarod They would come out, the would see that you were sick and they would realise that I accidentally poisoned you. And that could cost me my career.
Drake You can’t do this. You can’t do
911 Operator Tell me what the problem is sir.
Harry They ran George down. You gotta get somebody down her. Lawson and Hill. Right in front of the children’s shelter. Hurry. You gotta hurry.
911 Operator I’m calling it in sir, is anyone else hurt?
Harry No, they just hit him and left.
Jarod You’re a coroner. Your business is dead people. Even when you’re the one who kills them. Right, Doctor? Did you have a little too much to drink at last year’s Christmas party? Can you imagine how Christmas George must have felt when you hit him with your car and left him in the snow? He went into the alley to recover and you heard over your police scanner that he was still alive. You couldn’t have that could you? That could hurt your precious career. So you went back to the scene before the police got there. Now, you didn’t have anything in your bag that would actually kill him, but you did have something that would paralyse him. He was conscious of everything that was happening to him but he looked dead to the police. He was just a homeless man. You figured no one would miss him right? But like you always say, bag ’em and tag ’em.
Drake No, don’t do that. I’m not really dead.
Jarod Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m not really a coroner. But everybody thinks I am. So I’m just going to declare you dead. And they can finish you off on the slab. Just like you finished off George. Merry Christmas.

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Fugimora Wow, I never got to work on a boss before. We’ll start cutting after lunch. Who wants puffer fish?
Jarod The effects of the phenotripticol should wear off in a few hours. She’s gonna wake up with a wicked case of diarrhea from the fruitcake.
Fugimora Merry Christmas Jarod.
Jarod Merry Christmas.

Detective Guerra's Home - Baltimore

Harry Merry Christmas. He said to give you this.
Detective Guerra He who?

Coroner's Office - Baltimore

Timothy Ryan Excuse me, Dr Marley?
Jarod Yes?
Timothy Ryan I’m, Timothy, Timothy Ryan.
Jarod Gabrielle’s brother.
Timothy Ryan I just wanted to say, well, this detective said you identified her. Went the extra mile he said.
Jarod I’m sorry that it took so long. And I’m sorry that you had to find out at this time.
Timothy Ryan I’m not. Imagine wondering a lifetime if someone you love is out there or not. Thank you for saving my family that hell. Thank you.

Miss Parker's Home - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker Hello. Daddy, hello. I was just getting ready. I understand. No. We’ll do it next year. Merry Christmas.

Mount Pleasant Home

Nurse He’s ready now. You know, I admire you, Sydney. For 30 years, he just lies there and yet you’ve never missed a Christmas.
Sydney It’s all I can do. He’s the only family I have.
Nurse What about your son?
Sydney My son?
Nurse Yes, Jarod.
Sydney Jarod was here?
Nurse He stayed just long enough to leave the gift. I don’t know what he said to him but when he placed that in his hand, I swear I thought I saw your brother smile.

Saint Catherine's Center - Baltimore

Jarod Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads. And Mama in her kerchief, and I in my cap, had just settled down for a long winter’s nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. When what to my wondering eye should appear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver, so lively and quick. I knew in a moment it must be St Nick. And he whistled and shouted and called them by name. Now, Dasher. Now Dancer. Now Prancer and Vixen. On Comet, on Cupid. On Donner and Blitzen. He sprang to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Jarod Did you hear that?
Angel What?
Jarod From the other room. Could it be……
Children Santa!
Angel Let’s go in the other room. Under the tree!
Angel A present for me?
Nun I wonder who it’s from? Let’s see what you got. What’s it say?
Angel Friends make Christmas special. To Angel from Christmas George.

Kikavu ?

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cobrate  (14.12.2018 à 13:44)
Message édité : 14.12.2018 à 13:48

Une histoire de poisson asiatique et de meurtre dans l'Ep. 7.02 de Columbo.


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