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#110 : Question de courage

Jarod entre chez les pompiers pour enquêter sur une série d’incendies criminels et sur la mort d’une jeune femme pompier.
Sydney et Broots utilisent la personnalité spéciale d’Angelo pour retrouver Jarod. Ils tentent ainsi de lui faire ressentir les sentiments de Jarod afin de le localiser. 


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Titre VO
The Better Part Of Valor

Titre VF
Question de courage

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1.10 - Extrait V.O. - Mlle Parker 'interroge'

1.10 - Extrait V.O. - Mlle Parker 'interroge'


Photos promo

Miss Parker et son ex, Michael Patrick

Miss Parker et son ex, Michael Patrick

Sydney et Miss Parker dînent ensemble

Sydney et Miss Parker dînent ensemble

Nancy Gleason et un pompier

Nancy Gleason et un pompier

Jarod et Roy

Jarod et Roy

Jarod et John Zimmerman

Jarod et John Zimmerman

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Anson Williams,

Scénarisation : Javier Grillo-marxuach

Coordination des cascades : Greg Barnett

Guests stars :

Isabel Glasser (Lieutenant Nancy Gleason)
Anthony Stark (Michael Patrick)
Danielle Keaton (la petite fille)
Jon Pennell (Roy)
Kenneth White (John Zimmerman)
Michael O'Niell (Capitaine Harrigan)
Nikki Tyler (la mère hystérique)
Patrick Cronin (père de Tamara)
Sam Ayers (Sam)
Vladimir Skomarovsky (M. Borodin)

Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Dans cet épisode, Jarod est pompier

- Jarod se fait appeler Jarod O'Leary

- Jarod enquête sur la mort d'une femme-pompier nommée Tamara Copland

- Jarod découvre le fromage instantané et apprend le sens de l'expression "filer un tuyau à quelqu'un"

- C'est dans cet épisode que nous rencontrons pour la première fois un ex de Miss Parker. Il s'agit de Michael Patrick avec qui elle renoue le temps de quelques jours. Leur idylle tourne cependant court lorsqu'elle découvre qu'il est marié, père de famille et travaille pour Mr Raines.

L'épisode s'ouvre sur Jarod, dans son nouveau repaire, en train de regarder un DSA le montrant en train d'analyser le visage de plusieurs Africains. Le caméléon indique qu'il lit en eux de la colère et de la tristesse et que ces sentiments sont liés à à la trahison dont ils ont été la victime par leur leader.

Dans le présent, à Pittsburgh, une équipe de pompiers intervient pompiers dans un immeuble en flammes. A l'extérieur, Harrigan, le chef de la brigade, s'inquiète de l'absence d'un de ses hommes : un dénommé O'Leary. Ses collègues lui affirment qu'il est encore à l'intérieur. Harrigan l'appelle alors à l'aide de son talkie-walkie mais il n'obtient pas de réponse. Au coeur du bâtiment en flammes, une petite fille est sauvée par un pompier avant que tout ne s'effondre. Le pompier ressort avec la fillette a l'air libre : Jarod a une nouvelle fois sauvé une vie au mépris de la sienne. Il remet l'enfant à sa mère qui se répand en remerciements.

Peu après, à la caserne, Jarod est accueilli en héros par ses pairs. Timidement, il essaye de repousser ces félicitations mais n'y parvient pas immédiatement. Une fois bien congratulé, il demande où il peut ranger ses affaires. On lui répond de prendre un casiser ne portant pas de nom. Jarod en choisit un mais, à peine l'a-t-il ouvert, qu'il doit en changer. Une collègue, Nancy Gleason, le referme brusquement et lui dit d'en choisir un autre. Roy, un autre pompier, lui apprend que ce casier appartenait à une des leurs, amie de Nancy, décédée récemment : Tamara Copeland. Jarod comprend qu'il a fait une erreur, présente ses excuses et change de casier. Arrive alors Harrigan qui indique à Jarod que les journalistes sont là pour lui et qu'il doit satisfaire leurs envies. Réticent, Jarod essaye de se dérober mais est finalement forcé de se faire prendre en photo et de répondre aux questions des journalistes.

Au Centre, un homme se promène au milieu de journaux venus de tous les pays. Il marche entre eux à la recherche de quelque chose ou de quelqu'un. Cet homme, qui "appartient" à Mr Raines, s'appelle Angelo. Si Miss Parker le trouve "débile", Sydney l'avertit de ne pas le sous-estimer car ses capacités sont immenses et précieuses pour chercher Jarod. Peu après, dans un restaurant huppé de Blue Cove, Sydney et Miss Parker prennent un verre en discutant d'Angelo. Sydney indique que personne ne sait vraiment comment son don fonctionne mais il parvient à se glisser dans la tête de la personne qu'il cherche ou dont on lui montre un portrait. Par cette empathie poussée à l'extrême, il parvient au succès. Sydney dit qu'il voit Angelo comme une "éponge". Sydney n'a pas le temps d'en dire plus car ils sont interrompus par l'arrivée d'un homme que Miss Parker s'empresse de saluer avec emphase. Il s'agit de Michael Patrick, l'un de ses exs, de passage en ville. Michael la complimente sur sa beauté et elle répond qu'elle serait encore plus belle si elle avait des relations sexuelles régulières ! Le message est clair et Sydney se retrouve très vite seul devant sa tasse de café car sa protégée est partie prendre un verre avec son ex au bar. Mais elle ne s'arrête pas là ! Le soir-même, le couple se retrouve chez elle et a une relation sexuelle.

A Pittsburgh, Jarod cherche à en savoir plus sur l'origine de l'incendie des appartements Fairfax dont il a extrait la fillette. Sur place, il fait la rencontre de l'expert John Zimmerman. Jarod pensue que l'origine du feu est accidentelle : une femme se faisait les ongles en fumant, s'est assoupie et le vernis est entré en collision avec sa cigarette. Zimmerman le contredit : l'origine du feu est électrique.

De retour à la caserne, Jarod essaye de se lier d'amitié avec la mascotte : le chien Ember. Ses tentatives restent sans succès et il décide de rejoindre ses camarades pour manger. Jarod est à la tête du repas mais c'est Roy qui finit de le préparer. Le repas composé par notre caméléon ne fait envie à personne, pas même au chien ! Il découvre alors le fromage instantané, un supplément alimentaire destiné à rendre toute nourriture (même la pire) mangeable, que ses camarades ajoutent à sa tambouille. Quand Harrigan fait remarquer qu'ils n'ont pas aussi bien mangé depuis la mort de Tamara, Nacy repousse son assiette et refuse d'y toucher. La réaction de la jeune femme pousse Jarod à enquêter sur l'incendie de Tri-River qui a causé son décès. En en discutant avec Roy, il apprend qu'Harrigan avait ordonné le repli de tous ses hommes quand la situation a dérapé mais que Copeland a refusé d'obéir. Elle est retourné dans l'entrepôt en flammes parce qu'elle pensait avoir entendu quelqu'un. Déterminé à en savoir plus sur Tamara, il rend visite à son père, Herb, et remplace au pied levé le cuisinier de ce dernier qui est absent. Quand Nancy, venue rendre visite au père de son amie, arrive elle découvre la présence de Jarod. Jarod l'assure alors qu'il ne tient pas à remplacer Tamara mais qu'il veut faire son job.

Le lendemain, au Centre, Broots et Sydney sont surpris de voir Miss Parker arriver souriante, gaie et avec des cafés. Sydney comprend très vite qu'elle est heureuse et a passé une nuit agréable mais il la met en garde contre ce bonheur éphémère et lui fait remarquer qu'elle n'a pas assez d'amis dans sa vie pour le cas où cette relation tournerait mal et qu'elle soit déçue. Furieuse, elle retrouve son tempérament habituel et refuse de lui parler plus longtemps. 

Ailleurs, Jarod et sa brigade sont conviés chez Harrigan qui est fier de leur montrer le nouveau bar en marbre qu'il vient de faire installer chez lui. Quand le caméléon lui fait remarquer que cela coûte cher et que la main d'oeuvre doit elle aussi être expensive, Harrigan lui indique que ses hommes font une grande partie du travail. Alors que la conversation continue, le nom de Tamara refait surface et Harrigan affirme qu'elle est morte parce qu'elle a fait preuve de trop de zèle et a refusé de suivre les ordres. Jardo est peu convaincu par cette assertion et il retourne, le soir même, à l'entrepôt de Tri River pour prtaiquer des tests et vérifier que le rapport ne soit pas mensonger. Il se rend alors compte que l'incendie est d'origine criminelle et qu'un accélérateur a été utilisé. Il mène alors son enquête et découvre que Zimmerman a été payé pour dissimuler ce fait. Fort de ces découvertes, il confronte l'expert le lendemain en lui montrant des photos de l'incendie de Tri River. Sous un prétexte fallacieux (un pari avec Roy), il veut avoir son avis. Zimmerman confirme que le feu n'a pas été provoqué par un faux-contact... Le caméléon lui indique alors la réelle provenance des photos. Il le conduit alors sur les lieux du drame et écoute sa confession : Harrigan et lui menaient une opération de grande ampleur de fraude à l'assurance en incendiant des maisons pour que l'assurance prenne en charge les réparations. Ils percevaient alors, de la part des propriétaires des maisons incendiées dont c'était la demande (allez savoir pourquoi on veut brûler sa maison !!), un pourcentage conséquent. Tamara a découvert l'affaire le jour de l'incendie de Tri-River que Zimemrman avait lui-même déclenché. Incapable de quitter les lieux à cause de sa blessure de longue date à la jambe, il était coincé à l'intérieur du bâtiment. Copeland est arrivée, l'a vu et a immédiatemment compris la situation. Elle fait alors son possible pour lui sauver la vie mais en est empêchée par Harrigan, inquiet de ne pas voir revenir son complice, entré dans l'entrepôt. Comprenant qu'ils étaient découverts, il frappe sa coéquipière à la tête et la laisse brûler vive pendant qu'il sort Zimmerman. C'en est trop pour Jarod qui, fidèle à ses habitudes, met au point un plan pour pousser Harrigan à avouer et le faire arrêter. Il demande son aide à Nancy pour le mettre au point et entraîne aussi la mascotte de l'équipe a accourir dès que du fromage instantanné apparaît. Une fois ceici fait, il en dispose en différents endroits de la maison d'Harrigan pour que le chien déclenche le système qui mettra le feu à la maison.

Au Centre, Angelo parvient à localiser Jarod en étudiant les articles de journaux. Pendant ce temps, Miss Parker a de nouveau retrouvé son ex chez elle. Son téléphone sonne : c'est Broots qui la prévient de la localisation du caméléon. Dans le meême temps, alors qu'elle note l'adresse communiquée par Broots, elle découvre dans le portefeuille de Michael la preuve qu'il est marié et père de famille. Elle raccroche et congédie ce dernier. Quelques heures plus tard, à la fumerie Borodin, le trio débarque dans l'espoir de capturer Jarod mais c'est encore un échec. Après avoir discuté avec le gérant qui leur apprend que le caméléon a exercé là pendant plusieurs semaines et lui a été d'une grande aide. Miss Parker demande alors s'il aurait laissé à son intention un carnet rouge et l'homme répond que, comme il l'a déjà dit précédemment, non. Intriguée par cette réponse, Parker le questionne mais tout ce que l'homme rapporte est qu'il a déjà fait cette réponse à l'homme venu une heure avant eux ! Le téléphone de Parker sonne alors : c'est Broots qui leur apprend qu'Angelo a localisé la cachette actuelle de Jarod grâce à un article relayant sa bravoure lors d'un incendie à Piitsburgh.

A la caserne, Jarod assite à la remise d'un pli de Zimmerman à Harrigan. Le mot qu'il contient, rédigé par le caméléon, indique qu'il leur faut se rencontrer en urgance chez Harrigan pour discuter de la conduite à tenir. A son arrivée à son domicile, Harrigan découvre avec horreur que le chien est dans la maison alors qu'il est normalement interdit d'y être. En le chassant, il ne voit pas Jarod arriver dans son dos et le menotter au bar. Jarod essaye de le forcer à avouer mais c'est au départ sans succès. Il ordonne alors au chien de lécher le déclencheur de feu qui prend de suite. Constatant que sa maison et son précieux bar en marbre brûle, Harrigan se confesse et sa confession, via un haut-parleur et des enregistreurs, est entendue par les membres de sa brigade arrivés sur les lieux après que l'incendie ait été signalé. Jarod s'enfuit après avoir jeté les clefs des menottes sur le bar en flammes. Harrigan parvient à s'en saisir, se libérer et quitter les lieux. Dehors il exhorte ses hommes à sauver sa maison mais ceux-ci refusent, outrés et ulcérés par ce qu'ils viennent d'apprendre.

De retour à la caserne, Jarod se débarasse de son uniforme de pompier et se retrouve tout à coup nez à nez avec Michael Patrick qui le menace avec une arme. Ne le connaissant pas, le caméléon se demande qui est cet homme et ce qu'il lui veut. Il formule ses inteerrogations mais l'homme lui répond que ça n'a pas d'importance et qu'il doit juste faire ce qu'il lui dit. Michael est alors attaqué par Ember, le chien, et Jarod profite de cet instant pour le frapper avec sa mallette pleine de DSA. A terre, Michael ne bouge plus et Jarod en profite pour prendre la fuite. Quelques instants plus tard, Miss Parker, Sam et Sydney arrivent sur place et découvrent Michael. Interrogé, un peu brutalement par Parker, il avoue travailler pour Raines. Il n'échappe à la mort que grâce à l'intervention de Sydney qui empêcher Parker de le tuer.

L'épisode se clôt sur le nouveau métier de Jarod : cuisinier en fête forraine avec usage abusif de fromage instantané !


(Archive: Jarod-02/11/1973)

Sydney What are you seeing Jarod?
Young Jarod I’m not sure.
Sydney Come on, think. Think Jarod. What does it mean?
Young Jarod These people, some are angry, some are sad. But all for the same reason.
Sydney And that is?
Young Jarod Their trust has been violated Sydney… by someone they look up to. And now they can’t trust him.

Fairfax Apartments - Pittsburgh - Pennyslvania

Gleason Captain Harrigan.
Harrigan Are we clear.
Gleason O’Leary’s still in there.
Harrigan O’Leary, get the hell out. That place is gone. O’leary, report. What the hell are you doing in there?
Gail Mommy, where are you? Somebody help me.
Jarod It’s okay, you’re gonna be all right.
Harrigan Damn it o’leary Get the hell out of there now.
Gleason Sir.
Mother That’s my baby! That’s my baby! That’s my baby! That’s my baby! Gail, oh Gail. Thank you.
Jarod Just doing my job ma’am.

The Centre

Miss Parker So Mr Raines loaned him to us?
Sydney Yes, Miss Parker.
Miss Parker You wanna tell me why?
Sydney Bear in mind that Jarod’s modus operandi thus far has been to collect newspaper stories.
Broots So if we can establish a correlation between his selection process and his movements we may be able to predict his next move by scanning the local and nationally press for stories which may interest him.
Miss Parker And Cousin It is your man for the job?
Sydney Please don’t trivialise this Miss Parker. His name is Angelo, he’s very special.
Miss Parker Oh, I can see that.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Roy Man, Jarod. You barely get your boots unpacked, you’re already king of the hill. You know, I thought that place was a goner. I cant believe you just walked right through that inferno.
Jarod Well, I wouldn’t recommend trying it at home.
Roy Actually, it’s safer on the job.
Jarod Safer?
Roy 68.6% of you serious injuries occur at home. You run the numbers, it’s a bigger risk taking a bath than it is fighting a fire.
Jarod The truth is, I was just following the exit signs. Hey, can you show me where I can stow this gear?
Roy Yeah, follow me. You take any locker you want, just make sure it doesn’t have a name on it.
Gleason Any one but this one.
Jarod I’m sorry, I didn’t know… Lieutenant Gleason?
Roy Sorry man, I should have warned you. That’s Tamara Copeland’s locker.
Jarod The firefighter that was killed.
Roy Mn-hmm. She and Gleason were tight. I guess you coming in here kind of, you know, closes the door on all that.
Jarod Or opens a wound.
Harrigan Jarod, there you are. One day on the job with us and you’re kicking ass like a 20 year veteran. I want you to take a good look at this guy Roy. Guts, brains and a touch of the crazies. That’s what the Fighting 16th is all about. Listen, Jarod, the uh, reporters are ready to get up close and personal with you.
Jarod Uh, sir, I don’t want any publicity.
Harrigan Jarod, you are now a member of the best damn fire-fighting unit in this city. You should be proud of that. Besides, it’s good for the team.
Jarod Yes sir.
Roy Smile pretty.

A Restaurant - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker And how long are we going to have to wait until your savant zeroes in on Jarod’s location?
Sydney Angelo is not a savant Miss Parker. Actually we don’t have a classification for what he is. But think of him like a sponge, if you will. He has no personality of his own but he can absorb the personality data that we give him. And he has read every scrap we have on Jarod.
Miss Parker So now he’s another Pretender?
Sydney No. He could never make a moral judgment of his own. Also, he would never run away.
Miss Parker Where have I heard that before?
Michael Parker?
Miss Parker Michael?
Michael Come here. I can’t believe this. How long has it been?
Miss Parker Too long. What are you doing here?
Michael Short business trip. I’m a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company now. This is a part of my territory. What about you?
Miss Parker I, uh, have a mid-level position with a local firm, nothing very exciting I’m afraid.
Michael I cannot get over how terrific you look.
Miss Parker Despite the lack of good sex. Michael Patrick, this is Sydney, my assistant.
Sydney Michael.
Michael Sydney. Anyway, I uh, I would like to ask you to join me for a drink at the bar but I can see that you’re both uh…
Miss Parker Oh, Sydney was just leaving.
Sydney Yes, apparently Sydney was just about to leave.
Michael Oh, great. I’ll be at the bar.
Miss Parker See you at the office, Syd.

Fairfax Apartments - Pittsburgh - Pennyslvania

Zimmerman Let’s see. I’m doing my nails, washing my hair, smoking a cigarette
Jarod And you’re talking to yourself.
Zimmerman Yeah, so what? That what arson investigators do.
Jarod Jarod O’Leary. I’m with the 16th.
Zimmerman Yeah, I heard all about you. You’re the guy who saved the little girl in this building. Harrigan must be doing back flips over you.
Zimmerman John Zimmerman.
Jarod Oh, I know who you are. You caught the North Hills arsonist, pretty impressive work.
Zimmerman Yeah, well, it didn’t get me any dates. It’s glory boys like you that get all the play. I bet you could tell me some tales, huh?
Jarod Well, I do know this one about this little monkey and this man in the yellow hat.
Zimmerman Yeah, I can take a hint. Nobody want to talk to guys like me, unless there’s a fire. Then it’s questions, nothing but questions.
Jarod Well, if you’re so unhappy, why did you pick this line of work?
Zimmerman I didn’t have any choice really. Most guys wanna be this close to a fire… they either set ’em, or fight ’em. I fall in the latter category. Ahhh.
Jarod Are you okay?
Zimmerman Oh, bum knee.
Jarod Sports injury?
Zimmerman Is that some kind of a joke?
Jarod I… I didn’t mean anything. Do you mind if I take a stab at this?
Zimmerman Feel free.
Jarod Well, we know that the occupant was a smoker. She was smoking a cigarette, doing her nails. So my guess would be that she fell asleep, dropped the cigarette and… ignited the fluids.
Zimmerman That’s good. Real good. Also wrong. Electrical fire.
Jarod Really? What makes you so sure?
Zimmerman Well, see the outlet was overloaded. The burns are mostly concentrated on the walls. The fingernail polish fluid ignited much later. Oh, another needless catastrophe solved.
Jarod Impressive.
Zimmerman Eh. You know, the saddest thing is…
Jarod Hmm?
Zimmerman This singed mattress, this is the closest I get to sex.

The Centre

Sydney Long lunch, Miss Parker.
Miss Parker Not boring for once. Any progress?
Broots Well, slow but steady. Although I can say with 90% certainty that Jarod is due to land somewhere east of the Mississippi. Angelo has eliminated everything west of that. We are definitely closing in.
Miss Parker You don’t get out much, do you Broots? Page me if you have a breakthrough.
Sydney Where will you be?
Miss Parker Out.
Broots What was that all about?
Sydney It appears that Miss Parker has taken a sudden interest in the pharmaceutical industry.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Roy Don’t worry, Ember growls at all strangers. How long do I gotta keep stirring this mess?
Jarod Just until it coagulates.
Roy That’s a good word for it. He thinks you’re a dog.
Jarod He does?
Roy Yeah, you’re a stranger in this place, he’s just trying to establish dominance.
Jarod Really?
Roy What, you never had a dog before?
Jarod No, I did drive a chimp through the Amazon once.
Roy Here you go. He’ll love you in no time. Dogs are amazingly loyal creatures. You keep their bellies full, they’ll do anything you ask.
Harrigan Quit screwing around with that stupid mutt, we’re waiting for lunch.
Jarod Coming right up sir.
Roy Now we know why you had to transfer from your last assignment.
Jarod Bon appetit.
Harrigan What is this slop?
Jarod It’s optimised nutritional supplement. Hearts of palm, wheat grass and asparagus stewed with tomato. I grew up on this stuff.
Gleason Threw up is more like it.
Harrigan People, there’s only one thing that can save this disaster.
Roy Inst-Cheez!
Harrigan Haven’t had a decent meal around her since Copeland died.

Another Restaurant - Blue Cove - Delaware

Miss Parker So, he’s on the floor, I’m on top of him, we’re both spent, covered in sweat.
Michael And you’re still doing this?
Miss Parker At least three times a week.
Michael Isn’t it hard to maintain that level of intensity?
Miss Parker Not if you’re doing it right. Hmmm, you’re not doing it at all, are you?
Michael No, truth is… I gave up fencing after college. Besides, I never found an opponent as formidable as you.
Miss Parker Never will.
Michael You still have that look in your eye, half invitation, half intimidation.
Miss Parker So which do you want?
Michael Don’t tempt me Parker.
Miss Parker Too late.
Michael Uh, check please.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Jarod Aerosol cheese-like imitation food product.
Roy Official food of the Fighting 16th.
Jarod According to these ingredients, there’s absolutely no nutritional value.
Roy Hey, tastes great and it makes me sleep like a baby.
Jarod Well, I doubt I’m going to be getting much sleep around here.
Roy Oh, the beds are pathetic, I know. You’ll get used to it.
Jarod No, I mean, I’ve been going over some of these old records. Boy you guys are good.
Roy 92% knockdown rate. That makes us the most efficient company in the city.
Jarod I just hope I can live up to your standards.
Roy Well, you follow Harrigan, you’ll be fine. I watched him lead a response with one pumper. He put out a six-alarm fire before the other five even got there.
Jarod Sounds like he takes a pretty aggressive approach. Except for these warehouse fires. The company arrived before the structures were completely engulfed. Yet each time, Harrigan pulled them back.
Roy Yeah, they were NWS’s.
Jarod NWS?
Roy Not worth saving. Harrigan decided they were too volatile to risk his men.
Jarod Live to fight another day.
Roy Right. Look, Jarod, you’re gonna fit in fine here. It’s like I said, you trust Harrigan;’s lead, he’ll take care of us.

Miss Parker’s House - Blue Cove - Delaware

Michael Nice place you got here Parker.
Miss Parker How do you know? You haven’t even seen the bedroom yet.
Michael At this rate I never will.
Miss Parker How about a drink?
Michael Don’t tell me you’re tired.
Miss Parker I’m just getting warm.
Michael I’ll definitely be wanting that drink.
Miss Parker I can’t believe you let all this energy go to waste on a sales job.
Michael Don’t forget, if it weren’t for that job, I wouldn’t be here.
Miss Parker When do you leave?
Michael I thought you weren’t done with me. I’ll be here for two days.
Miss Parker Then let’s not waste any time.

Herb’s Grinder Sandwich Shop - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Herb Here we are gentlemen. Eat in good in good health.
Customer Thanks.
Gleason Hey handsome.
Herb Nancy, what are you doing here?
Gleason I was in the neighbourhood, though I’d off your work shirts.
Herb You don’t have to do this.
Gleason I know, I want to. Business looks good.
Herb Oh, since breakfast this morning, on top of which, Manny calls in sick.
Gleason Manny is sick? Well, who’s cooking?
Jarod Hey Herb, what should I do with these balls of meat?
Herb I think you two know each other. I’ll take care of the meatballs, if you’ll finish up, okay Jarod?
Jarod Sure. Careful, it’s hot.
Herb Okay, thanks.
Jarod Great guy.
Gleason You have no right to be here.
Jarod I came by to pay my respects and the cook called in sick, so I offered to help. You would have done the same thing.
Gleason What do you want?
Jarod A truce would be nice. Look, Lieutenant, I know we haven’t gotten off to a very good start. I just want you to know that I understand how you must be feeling.
Gleason Really?
Jarod Tamara Copeland was your best friend. I’m not trying to take her place. I just wanna do my job. Grab those plates, would you?
Gleason You’re not gonna make this easy, are you?
Jarod What?
Gleason Me hating you.
Herb Thanks Nancy.
Gleason See you later.
Herb I worry about that girl.
Jarod What do you mean>
Herb It seems like she can’t let go of what happened. It feels likes she blames herself for Tamara’s death.
Jarod It was an accident, wasn’t it?
Herb My daughter was a great firefighter. And I loved her more than anything in this life. But she knew this was dangerous work and people die. I gotta go check on the meatballs.

The Centre

Sydney Broots, another possibility from Angelo.
Miss Parker Sydney, Broots.
Broots I’m confident it’s a landlocked state, either Pennsylvania or West Virginia. This isn’t an exact science. It’s an experimental technique with a huge human element involved.
Miss Parker Been up all night, haven’t you?
Broots Uh huh.
Miss Parker Let me get you some coffee. Maybe that might help.

Harrigan’s House - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Harrigan Oh, man. Who brought that damn mutt?
Jarod Guilty sir.
Harrigan Well, keep him out of the house, will you? Hey Hank, off with the shoes, house rules. That Italian slate cost me $20 a square foot to put in.
Zimmerman You heard about a king in his castle?
Harrigan Between that mutt and these slobs, I’m gonna have to build a moat.
Roy Cap’s a regular Bob Villa. He built the bar.
Harrigan I’m gonna build a garage this summer.
Jarod A remodel this beautiful has to be expensive.
Harrigan Well, there’s a lot of sweat equity.
Roy Yeah. Our sweat, his equity.
Harrigan Check the hamburgers Roy. And don’t let ’em burn. Good kid. Can’t handle a belt sander to save his live, but he’s a good kid. You know, this railing, 1934 ladder track. The very first one the Fighting 16th ever had.
Zimmerman Harrigan’s used that railing a lot, and I don’t mean in the line of duty.
Harrigan You know, you landed yourself in a very special unit, Jarod.
Jarod Historical is more like it. This is the first unit in the city with two female firefighters.
Harrigan Yeah, with Gleason and Copeland there, it felt like a real family.
Jarod Nancy misses Copeland very much.
Harrigan We all do son.
Jarod  Must’ve taken a lot of guts for Copeland to run into that burning warehouse.
Zimmerman Yeah, electrical fire like that. That place must’ve been hotter than Satan’s armpit.
Harrigan Copeland was good, but she had an overzealous sense of the heroic. I told everybody to hang back. She thought she heard screams and went inside half-cocked.
Jarod Really? That wasn’t in the papers.
Harrigan Copeland did outstanding work on this team. I wasn’t about to let her be disgraced over one mistake. I called the hose crew in to bring in a line and went in after her. By the time I got inside, she was sucked into the smoke and flames. I never found her.
Jarod That was very brave.
Harrigan Truth is, bravery had nothing to do with it. As long as I’m in charge, this team will never leave one of its own hanging.

The Centre

Miss Parker You’re not going to accept this as a passing good mood are you?
Sydney I know you too well.
Miss Parker Don’t be so sure.
Sydney But I’m concerned. Mr Patrick seems awfully transient.
Miss Parker What I do for recreation is my business. Besides, I like him.
Sydney Ask yourself this then. Are there enough healthy relationships in your life to compensate for what you’re doing for recreation? These… entanglements… they’re not free from emotional repercussions, you know.
Miss Parker Let me give you a nickel’s worth of free advice, syd. You only know as much about me as I want you to know. And your concern, though touching, is wasted on me.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Harrigan I’ll tell you what Jarod, this is the best meal we’ve had around here in months. So how did you become Martha Stewart overnight?
Jarod Insta-Cheez. Actually, it was an old recipe of Tamara Copeland.
Gleason Excuse me.
Jarod Nancy, I… Oh man, I was trying to do something good.
Harrigan I think you did. I think cooking one of Copeland’s meals helps to keep her here among us. We don’t wanna ever forget her.
Jarod No, we sure don’t.
  DSA: 2nd November, 1973
Sydney What are you seeing Jarod?
Young Jarod I’m not sure.
Sydney Think Jarod. What does it mean? Focus on the faces.
Young Jarod These people, some are angry, some are sad. But all for the same reason.
Sydney And that is?
Young Jarod They were betrayed by Amin. He killed his own people.
Sydney Yes, and?
Young Jarod They could no longer trust their own leader.
Sydney What are you seeing Jarod? What does it mean? Think Jarod. What does it mean?

Jarod’s Lair - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Jarod Nothing like a Grinder at Herb’s.

Herb’s Grinder Sandwich Shop - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Zimmerman Now that will get you talking to yourself..
Jarod They are good.
Zimmerman So, you buying me a turkey sandwich, if you’re hoping to get lucky, you’re not.
Jarod Lucky?
Zimmerman It’s a joke.
Jarod Oh. Well, I was hoping I might ask you a few questions.
Zimmerman Figures.
Jarod You see, I’m trying to get a grasp of this burn pattern thing. And I have a bet with Roy that this was an accidental electrical fire.
Zimmerman Yeah, well, you better pay him.
Jarod Really? Why is that?
Zimmerman See, the char trail leads from the middle of the room, travels our it a web patter? All the flames are below the electrical fixtures. It’s a planned torching.
Jarod Arson.
Zimmerman You gonna eat that pickle?
Jarod So if it was ruled an electrical fire
Zimmerman Whoever did it was a moron.
Jarod Hmm. Well, I guess that moron would have to be you. Because it was your ruling from the Tri-River warehouse fire. You remember that one. She died in it trying to save your life.
Zimmerman You don’t know what you’re saying.
Jarod I know you checked into St Joe’s Hospital the night she died with a third-degree burn on your back. And I also know that Harrigan let three other warehouse fires burn to the ground, fires that you ruled accidental. Insurance payoffs. Is that why she’s dead?
Herb Gentlemen. How do you like those sandwiches?
Jarod They were terrific. How much do we owe you?
Herb Hey, your money’s no good here. You guys are family.

Tri-River Warehouse - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Zimmerman An empty warehouse goes up, a mini-mall gets built.
Jarod Insurance pays for it all, nobody get’s hurt.
Zimmerman That’s the way it worked until that night. All I had to do was spread an alcohol-based propellant around the floor and bust a couple of pipes, make it look electrical. Once the fire was burning stead, I started to beat it out of here, but my knees gave out and I couldn’t hardly move.
Jarod Is that how you got burned?
Zimmerman Yeah. Flames were everywhere. They caught my shirt. The damn pain was so bad, I must have let out a shriek.
Jarod Tamara Copeland heard you.
Zimmerman Yeah. I tried to crawl over to an exhaust vent I’d rigged up to get past the fire crews. But the smoke was searing my lungs, and I collapsed and I thought I was a goner for sure. Then I looked up and saw her emerging through the fire.
Jarod She must’ve recognised you.
Zimmerman Yeah. She knew I’d done this, but it didn’t stop her. She just went about her job. Instead of saving her own life… she started to save mine.
Jarod And then Harrigan came in.
Zimmerman He hit her with a crowbar. Told me to get away. Said he wasn’t going down for the fire. He took her oxygen and handed it over like it was nothing.
Jarod All she wanted to do was save your life.
Zimmerman Instead she died in that fiery hell.

The Centre

Angelo Jarod.

Miss Parker’s House - Blue Cove - Delaware

Michael Parker?
Miss Parker What?
Michael Are we ever gonna make it to your bedroom?
Miss Parker Getting there is half the fun.
Michael Don’t.
Miss Parker I have to. What?
Broots on phone We have a confirmed hit Miss Parker.
Miss Parker Angelo.
Broots Oh, the guy’s amazing. He narrowed it down to five clippings. The winner’s a place called the Borodin Smoke House in Pittsburgh. They confirmed that Jarod was there until recently and his trail is probably still hot.
Miss Parker Borodin Smoke House, Pittsburgh. Get Sydney on the horn and get transportation ready. I’ll be right over.
Broots Yes ma’am.
Miss Parker Pretty family. Time to go see them. Your business trip just ended.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Gleason Yeah?
Jarod Lieutenant.
Gleason Yeah.
Jarod Can I show you something?
Gleason Sure, come on in. This is a duty roster.
Jarod From the night that Tamara Copeland died.
Gleason If that’s some sick joke, it’s not funny. And if it’s a reminder, I do not need one.
Jarod You were supposed to work the shift the night she died. But she filled in for you, didn’t she?
Gleason It should have been me.
Jarod I know that you feel that way. But maybe you could allow yourself to see the other side of the coin.
Gleason They’re more duty rosters.
Jarod From the shifts you filled in for her over the years. Nancy. We all know the risks, you can’t blame yourself.
Gleason I wasn’t there for her.
Jarod Maybe you feel you weren’t there for her that night. But you can be there for her now.

Borodin Smoke House - Strip District Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Mr Borodin That Jarod Vronsky was a godsend. I didn’t thing we were going to survive after my father died.
Sydney Did Jarod leave anything behind?
Mr Borodin Oh, he increased productivity, restructured our investment strategy and organised a dental plan. All he asked in return was to sit in there.
Miss Parker Now why would Stepford Boy want to sit in a smokehouse?
Sydney Jarod thinks in metaphors. He could be anything from smoke jumper to sideshow fire-eater.
Mr Borodin Oh, he loved smoke. Said he wanted it in his pores.
Sydney Mr Borodin, did Jarod leave anything behind like a red notebook?
Mr Borodin Same as before. I don’t have it.
Miss Parker Same as before?
Mr Borodin I have hams to stow.
Miss Parker How many of your employees would have to return to the Ukraine if the INS were to sweep this place?
Mr Borodin I gave it to the other man.
Miss Parker Who?
Mr Borodin A man came here less than an hour ago. He knew many things about Jarod. He said that others would come. The others that would want to hurt Jarod.
Sydney Broots is the only other one who knows.
Miss Parker What?
Broots on phone Uh, Miss Parker. I got him. I know exactly where Jarod is.

Jarod’s Lair - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Jarod Okay Ember, it’s showtime. Come on, you can do it. It’s easy. Come on, you can do it. It’s easy. Watch. Like this. Come on, you can do it. Come on. Come on. Ember, come on. Come on, come on boy.
Gleason Yeah, he just pulled out of here. He looked kind of strange, excited.
Harrigan He say where he was going?
Gleason No, oh, he left you this. Anything wrong Cap?
Harrigan No.

Harrigan’s House - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Harrigan Zimmerman? You here, Zimmerman? Why, you little bastard.
Jarod Harrigan. Is this any way to treat a dog?
Harrigan What the hell are you doing?
Jarod I wanna show you this neat trick I taught Ember.
Harrigan I don’t care about that stupid mutt. Uncuff me.
Jarod Hey. He’s not stupid. He’s man’s best friend you know. And I’ve learned that if you just keep him well fed he’ll do just about anything for you. His food of choice, as is yours, is Insta-Cheez. It’s not very good for you, but, what the hey, it does taste good.
Harrigan O’Leary, if I get out of here, I’m gonna break your neck.
Jarod Then I better not let you out. Now about that trick. Ember, light this place up. Come on boy, come on. Good boy. Neat little trick, huh, Harrigan? But watch, there’s more.
Harrigan What the hell are you doing?
Jarod Oops, electrical fire. Started by a dog. Terrible accident.
Harrigan Put it out!
Jarod I’d like to, but I don’t know how. You see, I’m not really a fireman. Oops, there goes another one.
Harrigan Take the damn cuffs off me now!
Jarod Can’t. Gotta make a phone call.
Roy on phone Company 16.
Jarod I’d like to report a fire please. 16309 Ellsworth Terrace. Thank you. Well I sure hope that the Fighting 16th gets here on time. The flames are spreading pretty fast in these walls. But that’s not really a surprise. You see, I’ve treated the wiring throughout the house with this accelerant. That way the flames and the fire spread completely. And it looks like an accident. No one will ever know.
Harrigan What about me?
Jarod Well, even the best arsonists make mistakes… don’t they Chief?
Harrigan Oh no! Give me the key!
Jarod He looks pretty scared, doesn’t he Ember? I bet Tamara Copeland looked pretty scared too the night of the Tri-River fire. But she had you there to back her up. Someone she trusted to protect her. Go wait outside Ember. I’d hate to see you get burned.
Fireman Lieutenant!
Gleason Hold it guys, there’s something you need to know first.
Jarod Well, I’ve got to go now. It’s getting pretty stuffy in here.
Harrigan O’Leary, you can’t leave me here to burn!
Jarod Why not? You left Tamara Copeland, didn’t you?
Harrigan Yes, I left her!
Jarod You left her to burn. So you could collect the payoff money. So you could buy this Italian slate tile. Or that 1934 ladder truck railing around your wet bar that you’re so proud of.
Harrigan Yes, I left her, now give me the key please.
Jarod This key?
Harrigan Yeah.
Jarod Sure. Hope you don’t burn.
Harrigan O’Leary! O’Leary! My house! That son of a bitch burned my house! Put it out. Put it out!
Gleason Hang back. This place is definitely NWS.
Harrigan Come on guys. I built that house. Don’t let it burn like that. I’m your captain. I’m your damn captain! To hell with you.

Fire Station - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania

Michael You must be Jarod.
Jarod Who are you?
Michael Uh, you’re really not in a position to ask. Now put your hands up and turn around.
Jarod Goodbye, goodbye. Thank you very much. I have to go. It was very nice to meet you.
Miss Parker You cover the back, everyone else with me. Who’re you working for?
Michael I told you Parker. I’m a sales rep for a… Ohhh! You bitch!
Miss Parker You don’t know the half of it. Who’re you working for?
Michael All right, all right. The Centre. Mr Raines.
Sydney Don’t Parker. Don’t. There might be repercussions.
Miss Parker By the way, I was faking it.

Dodgy Diner

Man Hey, I can’t eat this. I wouldn’t give that crap to my dog.
Jarod Oh, no problem. I can fix that. Bon appetit.

Kikavu ?

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