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#116 : Le Frère jumeau

Jarod devient ambulancier pour découvrir pourquoi un jeune homme est arrivé à l’hôpital dans le coma.
Sydney récupère le dernier carnet rouge de Jarod qui contient le procédé de la technique de Halstrom qui pourrait aider son frère à sortir du coma. 


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Le Frère jumeau

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Sydney, au chevet de son jumeau

Sydney, au chevet de son jumeau

Jacob, le jumeau de Sydney

Jacob, le jumeau de Sydney

Miss Parker prête à tuer Sydney?!

Miss Parker prête à tuer Sydney?!

Que signifie cet énigmatique message?

Que signifie cet énigmatique message?

Jarod et Julie Thornton

Jarod et Julie Thornton

Jarod et le Dr Sarah Corey

Jarod et le Dr Sarah Corey

Plus de détails

Réalisation : Charles 'Charlie' Siebert

Scénarisation : Javier Grillo-Marxuach et Lawrence 'Larry' Meyers

Guest stars :

André Mayers (Steven Chambers)
Carol Locatell (l'infirmière de Jacob)
Dan Cashman (Jacob)
Dan Martin (Dr Fletcher)
Dorothy Fielding (Mme Chambers)
Jerry Mitchell (le patient sur le brancard)
Joseph Kell (Gary Rennert)
Katie Mitchell (Dr. Sarah Corey)
Kevin Cooney (M. Chambers)
Lanei Chapman (Julie Thorton)
Sam Ayers (Sam)
Taylor Negron (Max Vargas)

Le carnet rouge de Jarod :

- Jarod devient ambulancier sous le nom de Jarod Randolph

- Avant le début de l'épisode, Jarod se faisait appeler Jarod Halstrom lorsqu'il travaillait sur une technique pharmaceutique pour sortir les personnes du coma

- Jarod essaye de découvrir la vérite à propos de ce qui est arrivé au jeune Steven Chambers

- Jarod découvre la patte de lapin en porte-bonheur  et la saga de films "Frankenstein"

- Deuxième apparition de Jacob, le frère jumeau de Sydney

- Jarod découvre à son grand désespoir qu'il n'est pas capable de sauver tout le monde (flashback)



Jarod décide d’ajouter une corde à son arc en devenant ambulancier, sous le nom de Jarod Randolph, à Atlanta en Georgie. Cette nouvelle identité doit lui permettre d’enquêter clandestinement sur les raisons qui ont provoqué le coma d’un jeune homme, Steve Chambers. Après avoir, comme à son habitude, découpé et collé des articles de journaux relatant le drame dans son carnet rouge, il a décidé de se mêler de l’affaire. Il rejoint donc la brigade d’ambulanciers qui s’est occupée de son transport jusqu’à l’hôpital et, rapidement, en vient à soupçonner que l’un de ses collègues ait volontairement choisi de l’emmener au Queen of Mercy qui était pourtant l’hôpital le plus éloigné de la position de l’accident. Cette décision a considérablement réduit les chances de survie, sans séquelles, du jeune homme et a favorisé sa plongée dans le coma. Il se lie alors d’amitié avec deux de ses camarades, Gary Rennert et Julie Thorton, et découvre la vie d’ambulancier. Il les suit donc dans leurs interventions et émet très vite des doutes quant à l’intégrité de Gary. En effet, celui-ci a la fâcheuse habitude de conduire tous les accidentés ou toutes les victimes auxquelles il porte assistance au Queen of Mercy même quand ce n’est pas le choix le plus adéquat. Un autre point commun à ces pauvres gens : ils sont tous aisés. Jarod s’ouvre à lui une première fois quant à ses doutes sur les décisions qu’il prend mais Gary ne se laisse pas faire et justifie chacun de ses choix en arguant que l’hôpital a le meilleur service de trauma de la ville. Furieux, Gary quitte les lieux laissant Jarod seul. Celui-ci en profite alors pour se rendre auprès de la famille Chambers, avec qui il a noué des liens d’amitié, et trouve les parents du jeune homme à son chevet. Chevet qu’ils n’ont pas quitté depuis l’accident. Ils viennent tous les jours pour être présents pour leur fils même s’ils savent que sa fin est proche et qu’ils ne peuvent rien y changer. Ils passent ainsi leur journée à lui lire des romans pour qu’il entende leurs voix et garde, autant que faire se peut, un lien avec la réalité. Là, il y retrouve le Dr Corey qui soigne Steve et qui semble bien décidée à quitter son emploi pour partir faire de la recherche en laboratoire. Cette décision est motivée par son désespoir et son impuissance face à des situations de ce genre. Elle pense qu’elle serait bien plus utile ailleurs et notre caméléon essaye de la convaincre du contraire.

Alors qu’il quitte le couple et l’hôpital, il remarque que Rennert est pris à part un employé de la structure qui lui remet une enveloppe contenant plusieurs billets de banque. Notre caméléon comprend alors que Gary est payé pour chaque patient qu’il conduit au Queen of Mercy et que l’appât du gain est plus fort que la volonté de sauver une vie. Cette triste constatation ramène Jarod à un souvenir d’enfance qu’il aurait préféré oublier. Au cours d’une simulation avec Sydney, il est supposé sauver un homme mais n’y parvient pas car le contexte n’est pas favorable au bon déroulé du sauvetage. Il apprend alors une dure leçon : il ne peut sauver tout le monde. Sa personnalité le poussant à venir systématiquement en aide aux personnes dans le besoin rend l’acceptation de cette vérité difficile et il est donc très douloureux de se rendre compte que certaines personnes en laissent volontairement mourir d’autres pour de l’argent.

Il décide alors de mettre au point un plan pour démasquer le coupable. Avec l’aide d’un assistant du centre de recherches où il travaillait, il simule un faux accident de vélo. Pour s’assurer que son plan soit une réussite totale, il donne sa montre en or à son associé et se procure un vélo très cher pour faire comprendre à Gary que l’homme qu’ils vont conduire au Queen of Mercy est riche. Il fait ensuite croire à Rennert que l’état du patient se dégrade de minute en minute et insiste pour aller à un autre hôpital, donnant ainsi une dernière chance à son coéquipier de faire le bon choix, mais Gary persiste à vouloir aller au Queen of Mercy qui est pourtant bien plus loin. Arrivés sur place, le faux patient est pris en charge et Jarod, après avoir disputé Gary, met son plan en action. Il s’arrange pour que le Dr Cory, qui soigne Steve Chambers, un policier et le responsable de la caserne soient présents. Ils assistent donc tous, médusés, à l’échange crapuleux, entre Rennert et Fletcher, le manager financier de l’hôpital. Le génie a compris que les deux hommes avaient monté une arnaque visant à dépouiller de leur assurance maladie les patients fortunés conduits dans l’établissement. Jarod, amer, demande ensuite à Gary combien vaut pour lui une vie humaine et, n’obtenant pas de réponse de sa part, le laisse se faire embarquer par l’officier présent sur place.

Un peu plus tard, alors qu’il regagne la chambre de Steve, Jarod apprend par le Dr Corey qu’elle a finalement changé d’avis et qu’elle ne quittera pas son emploi. Ravi de cette nouvelle, elle lui fait ensuite part du fait qu’il n’y a désormais plus aucun espoir pour Steve de sortir du coma et qu’il convient de le débrancher. Ses parents ont accepté son départ ainsi que le fait qu’il soit donneur d’organes. C’est donc avec une profonde émotion que Jarod assiste aux derniers instants du patient et soutien, comme il le peut, sa famille. L’épisode se conclut pour lui par la remise du cœur de Steve dans un autre hôpital. Même dans le mort, le jeune homme a sauvé une vie.

Au Centre, Sydney reçoit un étrange message envoyé par Jarod. Il s’agit d’une formule pharmaceutique expérimentale mise au point par le caméléon pour faire sortir le jumeau de Sydney, Jacob, du coma dans lequel il est plongé depuis 30 ans suite à un accident de voiture. La formule, qui porte le nom de Hallstrom car c’est le patronyme d’emprunt qu’utilisait Jarod quand il faisait ses recherches, a même été testée et approuvée par sn cobaye, une souris blanche appelée Jacob. Rempli d’espoir, il se précipite à la pharmacie de la Centre pour y subtiliser les composants et s’en va sans dire à qui que ce soit où il se rend. Miss Parker, avertie par Broots de la descente à l’infirmerie de Sydney, s’inquiète et insiste pour que le geek le retrouve.

L’informaticien parvient à localiser le psychiatre et donne l’adresse d’une maison de repos, Mount Pleasant, à sa supérieure qui s’en va sur le champ. Elle arrive alors sur place et est agressée par Sydney qui semble furieux de la voir là et qui lui demande de lui certifier qu’elle n’a pas été suivie par le Centre. Après lui avoir juré qu’elle avait été prudente, il lui explique la raison de sa présence ici : Jarod a mis au point une technique qui pourrait bien faire reprendre conscience à son frère. Sydney a besoin de parler à ce dernier, de s’excuser auprès de lui pour avoir provoqué l’accident, de s’excuser aussi pour ne pas l’avoir cru quand il lui disait que le Centre les manipulait mais surtout pour s’excuser de ne pas être dans le coma à sa place. Miss Parker essaye tant bien que mal de le réconforter et lui assure que ce n’était qu’un accident mais Sydney s’énerve en lui disant qu’il en doute compte tenu du fait qu’il n’y avait qu’une seule autre voiture sur la route (celle avec laquelle a eu lieu la collision) et que des Nettoyeurs se sont présentés immédiatement après les faits et ont tout pris en charge. Depuis ce jour funeste, il vit dans le remord et vient rendre visite à son frère tous les ans lors des fêtes de Noël comme nous l’avons vu dans l’épisode « Le premier Noël de Jarod ». Soudain, Jacob s’éveille. La technique de Hallstrom a fonctionné.

En parallèle, au Centre, Broots est interrogé par Mr Raines et ses sbires qui s’interrogent sur l’absence de Miss Parker et Sydney. Il finit, sous la menace de les voir s’en prendre à sa fille, par révéler l’endroit où ils se trouvent. Aussitôt Mr Raines contacte sa subalterne et lui demande si Jacob est réveillé. Elle ne sait pas encore mentir à l’emphysémateux et sa loyauté au Centre est encore omniprésente aussi lui révèle-t-elle la vérité. Raines lui demande de régler définitivement le problème et ajoute qu’il va lui envoyer des Nettoyeurs pour s’assurer que le travail soit bien fait. Dans le même temps, Sydney a reçu un message écrit de la part de son frère et sur lequel figurent les lettres et chiffres suivants : SL-27. Il décide de garder cette information pour lui et de la transmettre uniquement à Jarod dans l’espoir que cela l’aidera à avancer dans sa quête.

Miss Parker, qui aime beaucoup Sydney et qui ne veut pas tuer Jacob, fait part de ce plan à son ami. Tous deux mettent alors en scène un subterfuge : ils font changer de chambre à Jacob et Sydney prend la place de son jumeau. Lorsque les Nettoyeurs à la solde de Raines arrivent, ils insistent pour assister à l’exécution de Jacob. Miss Parker les laisse alors venir avec elle et, sous leurs yeux, assassinent celui qu’ils croient être Jacob en lui plaquant fermement un coussin sur le visage. Satisfaits, les Nettoyeurs quittent les lieux et l’enjoignent à les suivre. La femme part donc avec eux et arrivée devant la voiture, elle lève le regard vers la fenêtre de la chambre qu’elle vient de quitter et y voit Sydney qui d’un léger signe de la tête la remercie. Le vieil homme se rend ensuite dans la chambre voisine où l’infirmière lui explique que Jacob a replongé dans le coma comme Jarod l’en avait averti. Le caméléon avait en effet constaté que les effets du médicament n’étaient que momentanés, à son grand désespoir, et en avait fait part à son mentor. Cependant, avant de replonger dans le coma, Jacob a eu le temps d’écrire un autre message à l’intention de son frère : « ce n’est pas ta faute ». Le psychiatre peut désormais apaiser au moins un peu sa conscience.



Young Jarod I can’t see anything. I need to go lower.
Sydney The child is just below you Jarod. Collapse is imminent. You have to abort.
Young Jarod I can save him Sydney. I can save him!
Sydney You have to abort.
Young Jarod No. No!
Sydney You’re dead.
Young Jarod I coulda done it.
Sydney What? Save him? You can’t save everyone Jarod no matter how hard you try.

Atlanta School of Medicine - Atlanta - Georgia

Lab Assistant Jarod Halstrom. He was the coolest PhD we’ve every had in this place. He had a private grant, rented the lab from the university and paid me muhco dinero.
Sydney What kind of research were you doing?
Lab Assistant Nada. All we did was eat Pez, watch Frankenstein movies and play with mice. The live ones anyway.
Sydney The live ones?
Lab Assistant Yeah, half of them were dead or comatose. See, Jarod used to inject them with something and stare at them for hours. It was kinda ghoulish. The he donated his little critters to the school when he left. Except for this white one, Jarod called him Jacob.
Sydney Jacob?
Miss Parker Hmm?
Sydney Nothing.
Lab Assistant Well, Jarod used to carry Jacob around in his pocket like it was his best friend.
Miss Parker They’re distant cousins actually.
Lab Assistant Excuse me, i have to get that.
Miss Parker No dead fireman or wounded cameraman. Maybe he’s getting bored.
Sydney Mm-mmmm. Jarod will never be bored in the outside world. He’s trying to save lives.

In an ambulance - Atlanta - Georgia

Rennert We have a female, late 20’s, leg fracture, possible vertebral fracture with internal bleeding. We started her on an IV of normal saline, wide open.
Jarod She’s coding! Move! Come on, come on, come on. Stay with me! Stay with me!

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Broots Uh, Miss Parker, have you seen Sydney?
Miss Parker Do I look like a leash?
Broots He’s, uh, he’s missing.
Miss Parker Sydney’s missing when he’s here.
Broots Well, actually, he was a no-show at the sim lab. He left four sets of twins twiddling their, uh, 16 thumbs.
Miss Parker Sydney’s a no-show for a roomful of human bookends?
Broots Security reported some drugs missing from the Centre pharmaceutical lab. A nurse says she saw Sydney leaving there early this morning. I’ll talk to you later.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta Georgia

Jarod Your daughter needs you.
Dr Corey Trauma five, stat.
Jarod She has a little girl.
Dr Corey Okay, we’ll take it from here, Jarod. Jarod.
Jarod She has a little girl.
Dr Corey Someone get him off my patient.
Rennert Jarod, we’re done. Alright, let’s go.
Jarod I’m gonna stay here for a while.
Rennert She’s goin’ into surgery.
Jarod I know. I just wanna make sure she’s alright.
Rennert Oh, no, no, no. Look. Okay, I’ve been only driving with you, what, a couple weeks, right? Take my word for it. You get too personal with a client, that’s just energy you can’t spend saving the next one. Alright? We do our best for these people, then we move one. You can’t train yourself to think that way, this job will kill you.
Dr Fletcher Not if I do it first. Why don’t I have proper treatment reports on your last five deliveries?
Jarod Deliveries?
Rennert Dr Fletcher, meet Jarod Randolph.
Dr Fletcher I hope your partner’s better at driving them in than he is at doing his paperwork.
Rennert I will get to that paperwork when i get a break, alright? I promise.
Dr Fletcher You better.

Broot's office - The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Broots Sydney made quite a heist from the Centre pharmacy. Cylin, triphenylmide, d-uh. Diflutanzenil. Uh, a reversal agent, a neurostimulant and an antidepressant. Huh.
Miss Parker Great. Great. Now Sydney will turn up in some hop house and we’ll lose Jarod’s trail again. Start decrypting his files. Maybe there’s a clue there.
Broots Uh… umm… You’re you’re invading my space. Close is good.

In front of the Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod Why is there a severed animal’s limb hanging from your rearview mirror?
Rennert It’s a rabbit’s foot.
Jarod Technically, it’s a paw.
Rennert What, you mean you’ve never seen one of those before? It’s lucky.
Jarod Not for the three-legged rabbit
Rennert Sure, yeah. Coffee time.
Thorton Would you guys keep it down? I’m trying to sleep in here.
Jarod You might get more rest if you turn down your music.
Thorton Self-hypnosis. Trying to study while asleep.
Jarod The New England Journal of Medicine. I’m impressed.
Thorton Yeah? Tell the admissions board in Atlanta. I am out of the EMT business come this fall, with a little luck.
Jarod Have you tried a rabbit’s foot?
Thorton I’m a four-leaf clover person myself.
Rennert Oh, man, Vargas is here.
Jarod Who’s Vargas?
Thorton Max Vargas, State Board of Inspection.
Jarod I didn’t think the inspection was going to be for another two weeks.
Rennert This guy is a bigger pain in the ass than the suits at the hospital.
Thorton Are they the same pains in the ass who call me at home looking for their paperwork?
Vargas You must be Randolph. What’s it like being independently wealthy?
Jarod I beg your pardon?
Vargas Well, you’ve been here a month and you haven’t done your W-4, so must have a little nest egg stashed away somewhere.
Jarod It must have slipped through the cracks.
Vargas Well, it’s my job to fill in those cracks. Maybe you and I should go to the office and fill these forms in so the books have a semblance of order.
Rennert Oh, uh, Mr Vargas, Jarod and i have a union-guaranteed coffee break now.
Vargas You’ll be using it to fill out these forms.
Jarod I’ll have them on your desk first thing in the morning.
Vargas See that you do.

Mount Pleasant Home

Nurse It’s sweet that you talk to him, Sydney. Some people think that they’Re not aware.
Sydney Hmm. He needs to know he’s not alone. Jacob. I have discovered this experimental research, the Halstrom Technique. Jarod sent it to me. It’s a long shot, but it’s our best hope. I promised you I would never give up.
Jacob Sydney! Sydney!

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Mrs Chambers While Sydney Carton and the Sheep Of the prisons were in the adjoining dark room speaking so low that not a sound was heard Mr Lorry looked at Jerry in considerable doubt and mistrust.
Jarod He’s a stockbroker from Alphretta. His name is Jerry Mitchell.
Rennert Queen of Mercy, this is Unit 45. We’ve got a male, mid 50’s, possible head trauma, you copy?
Jarod Queen of Mercy? County General’s closer.
Rennert Queen of Mercy’s got the best Head Trauma Centre in Atlanta.
Jarod I understand that, but this gentleman needs immediate…
Rennert Stabilise him. I’ll do the driving.
Jarod We could have had in him treatment at County eight minutes ago.
Rennert Hey, our stockbroker couldn’t be in better hands. That’s worth eight minutes of his time.
Jarod I hope you’Re right.
Rennert I made a judgemental call. You got a problem with that?
Jarod No, no problem.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Broots Nothing obvious on Sydney’s email.
Miss Parker Phone records are all Centre related. You’d think he’d occasionally call a 900 number to spice up his life. What about his regular mail?
Broots Medical journals, Plant World magazine. Book of the Week Club.
Miss Parker Give me that. Annual donation to the Mount Pleasant Home.
Broots A historical society maybe?
Miss Parker It’s where he goes for Christmas every year.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod Dr Corey, i owe you an apology. I should have relinquished the gurney. Once we’Re in the ER, it’s your patient.
Dr Corey Don’t sweat it Jarod. At least your heart was in the right place. By the way, that young mother you brought in is going to be fine.
Jarod That’s wonderful.
Dr Corey I’m not used to seeing an EMS’er get so personally involved.
Jarod I find it difficult not to. Sometimes i feel like i know what my patient is going through.
Dr Corey I know what you mean.
Jarod Is that why you’Re following up with Steven?
Dr Corey I’ve seen this injury a hundred times and I’m usually able to stabilise the patient, but this one… It’s like i pulled out all the stops… but he still got away from me.
Jarod Steven is lucky to have a doctor that cares so much. Are you okay?
Dr Corey It’s just that you can’t always help them enough and i don’t like that feeling.
Jarod Well, i think that goes with the job.
Dr Corey Doesn’t make it any easier to live with.
Jarod You’Re not thinking of transferring to someplace else?
Dr Corey There’s a research position at Cornell Med. I’m thinking I’ll have an easier time dealing with the mice.
Jarod Don’t be so sure about that. Look, do yourself a favour, really think about your decision. This hospital needs people like you.
Mr Chambers It is a far, far better thing that i do, then i have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that i go to than I’ve ever known. How about a break before we start the next book? He likes Dickens.
Jarod Dickens is hopeful. Even his saddest endings are uplifting. I brought you some cocoa.
Mr Chambers Appreciate your visits Jarod. You’d think you’d get enough of hospitals in your line of work.
Jarod Well, this hospital could use some more volunteers. How’s Steven doing?
Mr Chambers They started him on a new treatment called the trefoil therapy.
Jarod It was developed at Yale. It delivers neurostimulants directly into the hypothalamus. Um, I have a friend who’s in a coma.
Mr Chambers They say it has a 20% success rate. One out of five comes out of it.
Mrs Chambers And four don’t.
Mr Chambers He fits the profile. The said if anyone would accept the treatment, Steven would. He’s a fighter. Right hon?
Mrs Chambers Right.
Jarod Do you mind? So Steven was a wrestler?
Mr Chambers Took first place in the state finals his senior year. He was behind in two out of his five matches. But he came back, pulled it out.
Jarod Well, you must be very proud.
Mr Chambers He never gave up. We’d cheer him from the stands. I think hearing us made him try harder.
Jarod You know, I haven’t been in many hospitals… but i really do believe that people in a coma… they hear everything that goes on around them. Enjoy the cocoa.
PA Dr Michaels to Admitting. Dr Michaels to Admitting.
Mrs Chambers Chapter one. Treats of the place where Oliver Twist was born and of the circumstances attending his birth.

In front of the Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod Well, are you gonna open the letter?
Thorton Yes.
Jarod Wait, wait, wait, wait. For good luck.
Thorton Alright, I’ll open it. Oh, my God. I’m in!
Jarod Alright! You’re gonna make a wonderful doctor.
Thorton I’d better be. I’m abut to be $100,000 in debt.
Vargas If it isn’t the invisible man.
Thorton I should, uh, call my family with the news.
Vargas I followed through on your paperwork. Not only have you not filed your payroll documents, you don’t seem to have any documents that support your identity. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist. I want your name, your address, your Social Security number, your next of kin, your references. The whole kit, the whole caboodle. I want it now.
Jarod Right after lunch.
Vargas You better get writing or I’m taking you off the streets.

Mount Pleasant Home

Sydney Let’s increase the, uh, cylin to 436 milligrams per litre. And the diflutazenil, let’s go to 275.
Nurse Alright.
  Flashback - Sydney's car - 1967
Sydney You’ve been missing for three days, Jacob. I can’t keep covering for you with Mr Raines.
Jacob I’ve had personal business.
Sydney You never kept secrets from me.
Jacob Sydney, i… I have ethical concerns about our work.
Sydney Don’t start with that rubbish. We’Re not doing anything wrong.
Jacob Open your eyes, Sydney.
Sydney They are open Jacob. I see the opportunity to do what we’ve been working for all our lives.
Jacob Get your mind off your career for one second, will you? I’m talking about the children.
  End of flashback
Jarod on phone Hello Sydney. Any progress?
Sydney Halstrom’s Technique, it’s just brilliant. It could help a great many people.
Jarod One at a time. How’s Jacob?
Sydney Nothing yet I’m afraid. Tell me Jarod, why are you doing this?
Jarod The medical profession. It’s about the relief of suffering. Remember?

Jarod’s Lair

Jarod (to his mouse) Hey Jacob. Jacob, how you doing? How you doing? Did you have a good day? Hmmm?

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod Dr Corey, good morning.
Dr Corey Hey.
Jarod I just wanted to check on the status of the stockbroker that Rennert and i brought in yesterday.
Dr Corey We damn near had to life-flight him to County.
Jarod I thought this hospital had the best Head Trauma Unit in the city.
Dr Corey Head Trauma was downgraded months ago, along with a third of our budget. You guys should keep up with current events. What’s with her?
Jarod She’s like you, she cares too much.
Dr Corey I can’t wait till Thursday.
Jarod What happens on Thursday?
Dr Corey My transfer came through. I am out of the ER.
Jarod Sarah. They need you here.
Dr Corey Look, I have been through this with everyone i know. I’ll give your regards to the mice.
Medico Let’s go! Let’s move! Right in here!
Woman What do you got?
PA Dr Fletcher to Administration please. Dr Fletcher to Administration.

Mount Pleasant Home

Miss Parker Sydney. So, who’s Mr X?
Sydney None of your business.
Miss Parker Your business is my business.
Sydney Jarod can wait.
Miss Parker I can’t. Go pack your bags. You’Re coming with me.
Sydney You are not welcome here.
Miss Parker All i have to do is call the sweeper team.
Sydney Mn-hmmm. I have priorities.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Vargas Who was on duty last night? Who was on du… Somebody was here last night? Who was on duty?
Jarod Don’t you have that in one of your files?
Vargas If i did, would i ask you?
Jarod What did you lose?
Vargas There’s some personnel files missing, including yours, i may add.
Jarod Well, i’m not going to fill out any more paperwork.
Vargas You won’t have to, Randolph, Jarod. Born in Seattle. Attended Millbrook Elementary. Photographic memory. And I’m sure i have enough in here right now to run a background check on you.

In an ambulance - Atlanta - Georgia

Thorton I’m thinking about going into pediatrics. What do you think?
Jarod I think a doctor needs to have a strong sense of ethics.
Thorton What? Hey, where we going?
Jarod Trying out a different route today.
Thorton Different route?
Jarod Mm-hmmm. Peachtree Athletic Centre to Queen of Mercy Hospital. It’s interesting. There are two other hospitals that are much closer by. Neither one of them are Queen of Mercy.
Thorton What are you talking about?
Jarod Ethics. Steven Chambers was injured during a wrestling match. You and Rennert took him all the way from the athletic centre to Queen of Mercy Hospital. Explain to me why a seasoned EMT would take a critical patient so far out of the loop.
Thorton Jarod, we did the best we could.
Jarod By my calculations, it takes at least 25 minutes to get from the athletic centre to Queen of Mercy. What exactly did you do for him? Watch him fall deeper into a coma?
Thorton Rennert made the judgemental call.
Jarod I looked at Rennert’s record for the last five years. He took at least 30 patients to Queen of Mercy Hospital… that should have gone somewhere else. Thirty patients with expensive injuries that have insurance to pay for it. God knows how many other people ended up like Steven Chambers. A doctor has to have ethics, Julie. People’s lives are in their hands.
Thorton There had been a… a Hawks game that night and we hit the spillover traffic. We just sat there. All i could do was talk to Steven, you know, try to…try to keep him awake while Rennert kept telling me, “We’Re doing the right thing.”
Jarod You could have filed a complaint against him.
Thorton It was my first week under the reds, Jarod. It took all the guts i had just to tell him we were going the wrong way. Rennert, he warned me never to second-guess him in his rig. I didn’t want any trouble. I just… I just wanna help people.

The Centre - Blue Cove - Delaware

Raines Broots.
Broots Mr Raines.
Raines Where are they?
Broots Who? I… I’m not sure. Um, that is, I… I know where i think they might be.
Raines Tell me.
Broots Well, uh… they weren’t very specific. They both just took off without saying much.
Raines How’s your little girl?
Broots You know, uh…they… they did mention something about the Mount Pleasant Home. Sydney… Sydney goes there from time to time.
Raines I know where he goes.

Mount Pleasant Home

Nurse I’ve increased the dosage. You’Re aware it’s three times more than you originally requested?
Sydney Mm-hmm.
Nurse Alright.
Miss Parker I had no idea.
Sydney Not many people do.
Miss Parker Sydney, what happened?
Jacob I’m talking about the children.
Sydney What’s so troubling about children, for God’s sake?
Jacob Do you know how we got those children?
Sydney I know what i need to know.
Jacob No, no, you know what the Centre wants you to know. You… you always do this. You always push away what doesn’t fit into your pristine view of the world.
Sydney And all you wanna do is poison the good things in your life.
Jacob Sydney!
Sydney Jacob, Jacob! Jacob! Jacob!

End of flashback

Sydney It was my fault. I knew the road, knew every curve.
Miss Parker Sydney, it could have happened to anybody.
Sydney Uh-uh. A later simulation by Jarod suggested otherwise. I should be the one lying in that bed. Jacob. Jacob, are you there? Jacob.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Mrs Chambers I should not let you depart from me thus. You should, lady, and i know you will, rejoined the girl, rising. You will not stop my going because i have trusted in your goodness. It’s a lovely story. I’m eager to see how it turns out.
Jarod For the best, I’m sure. I brought you some coffee.
Mrs Chambers Thank you. I don’t think he’s going to wake up.
Jarod Don’t say that.
Mrs Chambers I’ve given up hope. i know Richard has too. He just won’t admit it.
Jarod There’s still so much you could try. The hospital therapy…
Mrs Chambers It failed. The treatment has run its course.
Jarod Did they try increasing the dosage?
Mrs Chambers Increasing, decreasing, diluting. It’s just not working.
Jarod There’s another therapy i know about. It’s called Halstrom’s Technique. You can’t give up. Steven’s fought so hard.
Mrs Chambers There’s a boy in Cleveland. He needs a heart. We’Re trying to decide what to do. At this point, it would take a miracle. Just in case, i want to finish this with him, so… he knows how it ends. Of what use then is the communication you have made, said Rose. This mystery must be investigated.

Jarod's lair - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod Jacob.
Young Jarod I can save him.
Sydney You have to abort.
Young Jarod I can save him Sydney. No!
Sydney You can’t save everyone Jarod.
Young Jarod Well, I had to try.
  End of flashback

Mount pleasant home

Sydney (phone) Yes.
Jarod (phone) Sydney. Halstrom’s Technique… it’s flawed. The effect is only temporary.
Sydney Thanks, Jarod. Thanks. (to Jacob) I have, uh, tried to come here as often as i can but my work keeps me occupied. I miss you. Were you aware all this time? Jacob, the night of the accident, it stayed with me. I promised you i would do everything in my power to bring you back. You shouldn’t be lying here. You didn’t deserve this. SL-27?
Miss Parker Why wasn’t i told?
Raines It doesn’t concern you.
Miss Parker It’s Centre business.
Raines Is he awake?
Miss Parker I’d like my question answered.
Raines Answer my question.
Miss Parker He’s awake.
Raines Is he talking?
Miss Parker Not yet.
Raines Don’t let him.
Miss Parker Sir?
Raines Jacob is a threat to Centre interests. You have an obligation to protect those interests. So you have a problem with that?
Miss Parker No sir.
Raines A sweeper team will be sent to assure you don’t. Make sure Jacob never wakes up again.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Rennert Hey. Another day on the lifeline, he Jarod?
Jarod Hmmm.
Vargas Mr Rennert, would you leave me and Mr Randolph alone for a moment?
Jarod We were just about to start our shift.
Vargas You and I are going to have to cover a little ground before i let you out on the street again.
Rennert Alright.
Vargas I ran a background check on you, despite your lack of paperwork and some interesting data spewed forth. Because the only Jarod Randolph i could find in the state archives weighs 286 pounds and he’s black. It’s time you put your cards on the table, mister. I can’t even verify that you’Re trained for this job. And despite the mountain of phone calls that I’ve received praising you … I need to know that the people you’Re assisting are in the right hands.
Jarod Well, I guess my luck just ran out.
Vargas Give me one good reason not to call the cops.
Rennert So, i heard that, um, Vargas rode you pretty hard last night, huh?
Jarod I think there’s gonna be some changes in this unit.
Dispatch Unit 45, this is Dispatch. We have a cyclist down on the corner of Peachtree and Dunwoody.
Radio Nine-year-old male with a blocked airway, unconscious, not breathing.
Dispatch We copy.

On a road - Atlanta - Georgia

Jarod It’s okay. Gonna take good care of you, just relax. Pupils are uneven. We should C-spine him.
Rennert Look at that, guy can afford a Rolex, you think he’d invest in a helmet.
Lab assistant Guess I’m the lab rat now, huh, Doc?

Mount Pleasant Home

Miss Parker Sydney’s in the lounge. Keep an eye out.
Sam Mr Raines insists i watch.
Miss Parker We’Re done here.
Nurse He slipped back into the coma. He wrote something down first. I’m happy for you.

Queen of Mercy Hospital - Atlanta - Georgia

Dr Corey Somebody paged me?
Thorton That was me Dr Corey.
Dr Corey Oh.
Thorton Here.
Dr Corey What is this?
Thorton Jarod wanted you to see this.
Dr Corey Steven Chambers?
Thorton A case can be made for negligence on Rennert’s part. You may want to listen to this.
Rennert Uh, Queen of Mercy, this is Unit 45. We’ve got a downed cyclist, uh, possible head injury.
Jarod Queen of Mercy? Grady Memorial is a faster run.
Rennert I’m not going through this again, alright? Queen of Mercy’s my call.
Jarod Rennert, this guy is fading on me.
Rennert Then you keep him alive till we get to Queen of Mercy! Come on!
Man Coming through people.
Rennert What are you doing here? Hey!
Jarod Hmm. Is this what someone’s life is worth to you?
Dr Fletcher Hey, I don’t know what this is about.
Jarod This is about you and this ambulance driver endangering the lives of patients so you can cash in on their insurance. It’s about watching a young man’s life just fade away. Steven Chambers trusted you. You didn’t care about his life. All you care about is what’s inside this envelope.
Rennert No, no, no, this is a setup, man. This is not fair.
Jarod What’s not fair is Steven Chambers’ parents are gonna have to unplug the machines that are breathing life into their only son.
Dr Fletcher I’m outta here.
Police Come with me sir.
Dr Fletcher Hey, wait a minute. What are you doing? Hey! Hey!
Rennert Oh, man. Thi…
Jarod Oh, Rennert. You might need this.
Mr Chambers I have said that they were truly happy and without strong affection and humanity of heart and gratitude to that being whose code is mercy and whose great attribute is benevolence to all things that breathe…
Dr Corey We need to do this.
Mr Chambers Within the altar of the old village church there stands a white marble tablet which bears as yet but one word: Agnes. There is no coffin in that tomb and it may be many many years before another name is placed above it. But if the spirits of the dead ever come back to earth to visit spots hallowed by the love, the love beyond the grave, those whom they knew in life. I believe that the shade of Agnes sometimes hovers around that solemn nook. I believe it, nonetheless because that nook is in a church and she was weak and erring. The end. All done. It’s good that Oliver found a family.
Mrs Chambers Darling.
Mr Chambers I know.
Mrs Chambers Godspeed, my son.
Jarod You were right Sydney.
Dr Corey Well, i have to get back to work.
Jarod So, you’Re staying.
Dr Corey Who wants to be around a bunch of mice anyway? Where you going?
Jarod Cleveland.
Radio Airlift four, what’s your ETA?
Man Uh, we’ll be touching down in 15 seconds. Out.

Mount Pleasant Home

Jarod (phone) Any change?
Sydney (phone) No. Since he, uh, slipped back into the coma, there’s been nothing.
Jarod It’s not fair.
Sydney What isn’t fair?
Jarod Some people, they just fight so hard, but they just don’t make it.
Sydney Oh, you can’t save them all Jarod. You may be a Pretender, but you’re human.
Jarod Right. Halstrom’s Technique… did it help at all?
Sydney It helped enough.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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